Leaders call for dialogue as political tension rises in Mombasa

There have been arrests, protests, accusations and even possible exile of county employees

In Summary

• The situation has also seen political leaders trade barbs as the blame game and finger-pointing continues.

• On Saturday, Governor Abdulswamad Nassir dismissed leaders taking advantage of the situation to try and gain political mileage.

Governor Abdulswamad Nassir takes a selfie with a supporter at Gome Comprehensive School in Changamwe on Saturday.
Governor Abdulswamad Nassir takes a selfie with a supporter at Gome Comprehensive School in Changamwe on Saturday.
Governor Abdulswamad Nassir takes a selfie with a supporter at Gome Comprehensive School in Changamwe on Saturday.
Governor Abdulswamad Nassir takes a selfie with a supporter at Gome Comprehensive School in Changamwe on Saturday.

Politicians in Mombasa are increasingly using bloggers to push their agenda.

This has seen the political temperatures in the county rise to dangerous levels.

The abduction and subsequent sodomy of a blogger on September 12 has triggered a series of events that has led to arrests, demonstrations and counter-demonstrations, accusations and counter-accusations, and exile of county employees.

Detectives are sifting through clues that would lead to the perpetrators of heinous act.

The situation has also seen political leaders trade barbs as the blame game and finger-pointing continues.

On Saturday, Governor Abdulswamad Nassir dismissed leaders taking advantage of the situation to try and gain political mileage.

“Some think we are in issues of 2027. We are telling them we are not looking at 2027, we are looking at 2032. In 2027, if God wishes, we will still win,” he said.

The governor spoke at Gome Comprehensive School, where he launched the smart meter pilot project for Changamwe.

Nassir said he has enough leadership experience to manoeuvre through political turmoil having served as Mvita MP for two terms and is on his first term as governor, with an added cap of being an ODM deputy party leader.

“When God shines his torch on me, even if you come with your candle or any other thing, there is nothing you will do to me. Leadership comes from God,” he said.

The county chief said the day God decides he (Nassir) has had enough of leadership is the day he will cease being governor or any other leader.

Police said they arrested the two as persons of interest to shed light on what exactly happened to the blogger and who planned it.

“We have a list of about 20 people who we are looking for to help us in investigations,” a police source told the Star.

On Saturday, Chaani MCA Frankline Makanga said there has to be a stop on the political wars in the county, which he said threaten the security and peace of the county.

"It is not right. You as our father need to unite all of us. Those loose dogs that are barking in the streets make it look as if there is no service delivery. Let us have a meeting and ensure everyone talks to their people to stop these verbal and virtual wars,” he said.

Makanga said the social media is awash with wars between bloggers and supporters of different leaders in Mombasa.

“Let us ensure there is peace in Mombasa, otherwise we may end up like Mt Kenya where the mountain is broken and everybody is making noise," the MCA said.

“Let us come and work together so that we push the agenda of development in Mombasa.” 

Likoni MP Mishi Mboko, who spoke separately, called for dialogue among the warring political leaders.

She said all political leaders should sit down and iron out their differences.

“This political heat will divide us into factions. It will lead to something more dangerous,” Mboko said.

She said Governor Nassir and Woman Representative Zamzam Mohammed are from ODM and should be working together.

“Governor Nassir is our leader and should be given space to work for Mombasa residents. Zamzam is also a leader whom we respect, and we see her development work," Mboko said.

“I am saddened because these two are my colleagues in ODM. I don’t see why they or their supporters should engage in bitter wars that raise the political tension and heat in Mombasa.”

She urged elected and religious leaders in Mombasa to bring the two together and solve their differences amicably.

“We know mistakes were made and other mistakes are under investigation. Let us propagate peace and have these two leaders forgive each other and live harmoniously,” Mboko said.

This is after women leaders in Changamwe, led by Bahati Ali, and allied to Zamzam, on Friday pointed accusing fingers at Nassir. They said Zamzam is doing more for women with little funds than the governor has done with more funds.

Fatma Dzombo, a community leader in Changamwe, said whenever a young person has done wrong, the law should be allowed to take its course.

“It is wrong to have that young person abducted and beaten by thugs,” she said.

Former Kisauni MP Ali Mbogo, who is eyeing the Mombasa governor seat, on Saturday criticised Nassir for allegedly "picking a fight with a woman".

The best way to answer to a political leader is to show your development record, he said.

“Fighting with a woman is laughable,” Mbogo said.

In response, Nassir said he is working for the people of Mombasa and will not be drawn into 2027 political wars.

“I am not even looking at 2027, because with God’s grace, we will win. I am looking at 2032,” Nassir said, indicating he has no competition in Mombasa for his seat.

The political wars also saw former Nassir’s critic turn into his greatest supporter.

Amina Abdalla, who in late 2022 and early 2023 was a fierce critic of Nassir, on Saturday, shared a podium with him where she lavished praise on the governor.

She said Nassir is not one to use political podia to hurl insults at other leaders.

“Let no one intimidate you, my governor. The work you have done for Mombasa people, no one can match. They are now jealous and want to tarnish your reputation. Let them be. We will defend you,” Abdalla said.

Governor Abdulswamad Nassir takes a selfie with a supporter at Gome Comprehensive School in Changamwe on Saturday.
Governor Abdulswamad Nassir takes a selfie with a supporter at Gome Comprehensive School in Changamwe on Saturday.
Governor Abdulswamad Nassir takes a selfie with a supporter at Gome Comprehensive School in Changamwe on Saturday.
Governor Abdulswamad Nassir takes a selfie with a supporter at Gome Comprehensive School in Changamwe on Saturday.
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