Embu county commissioner Abdullahi Galgalo yesterday summoned NG-CDF managers to account for their projects.
He said NG-CDF funds are meant for security and education projects and he has to monitor their use.
“They have to account for what they have done. There should be no joking around. I have the authority from President Uhuru Kenyatta, who has appointed me, to do so,” Galgalo said in Embu town.
He said some NG-CDF teams have done a good job by building chiefs' offices, police posts and stations, police houses and educational facilities. He cited Mbeere North, which built a new police station and housing units for officers. Area MP is Muriuki Njagagua.
He asked the other NG-CDF teams to take their cue from the constituency to improve services for residents. The regional administrator accompanied Governor Martin Wambora and Deputy Governor David Kariuki to a meeting with security officers and senior county officials.
He gave chiefs two weeks to eradicate illicit brews, gambling machines, and bars operating near schools, churches and mosques, and those operating out of the set time. Galgalo also called for a swift end to coffee and macadamia theft and child labour in muguka farms.
Illicit brews harm mental and general health, making users unable to contribute effectively to individual and societal development, he said.
He blamed child labour for the rise in school dropouts and the emergence of illiterate millionaires. If the trend continues, the region will lack people with education and skills to run crucial sectors, Galgalo said.
Chiefs who fail to comply with the directives will face dire consequences, he cautioned.
Galgalo urged the police and other national and county officers to support the chiefs to carry out the assignments for the benefit of residents. The role of all the county and national government officers is to ensure residents get satisfactory services for socioeconomic growth and wellbeing, he said.
(Edited by F'Orieny)