Life now better for 25 after Meru MP donates artificial limbs

Some of the beneficiaries were accident victims

In Summary

• John Muchui has been stigmatised and harassed for 11 years after a hit and run driver left him for dead.

• He has never benefited from the People Living with Disability funds "despite the hype from the county and national governments".

Twenty-five people were at the weekend the beneficiaries of artificial limbs from Imenti North MP Rahim Dawood.

More than 200 others are in the waiting list.

John Muchui, who has been an invalid for 11 years, could not hide his joy and praised the MP for his compassion.

Muchui has used a wheelchair and crutches for all those years during which he suffered stigma and harassment as he begged to put food on the table for his family.

He said he has never benefited from People Living with Disability funds "despite the hype from the county and national governments".

Dawood took the measurements for his limbs last September and imported the prosthetics from India.

Some of the beneficiaries lost their limbs as a result of diseases, accidents and cuts.

“I have suffered enough stigma, sorrow and loneliness. I have never been upright since the accident.

"Eating is a problem, walking, going to the toilet and every activity is a challenge. Now I have hope since I have the artificial leg," Muchui said adding that his life will be transformed.

He intends to start a business when he gets used to using the limb.

The 50-year-old was hit by a vehicle that did not stop 11 years ago.





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