Development talks took centre stage as Isiolo Governor Abdi Hassan Guyo met President William Ruto on Wednesday at State House.
Top on the agenda was the completion of the Isiolo export abattoir.
“Earlier this morning, I met and held a lengthy discussion with President Dr William Ruto at State House and we deliberated on the completion and subsequent marketing of the Isiolo Export Abattoir,” Guyo said.
It was agreed that the project will be an economic game changer not only for Isiolo, but for the Northern Kenya region.
The governor had earlier announced that livestock farmers will have to wait until July for the abattoir to start operating, adding that the facility will have capacity to process more than 1,000 animals daily.
“The abattoir will have the capacity to process 1,000 goats, 200 cows and 100 camels daily,” he said.
Failure by the two previous regimes of Mohamed Kuti and Godana Doyo to complete the abattoir dashed the hopes of livestock farmers.
However, Guyo has brought new hope to the farmers after announcing that his government has 125 acres of land for fattening livestock to ensure the availability of adequate stock.
At State House, the governor and Ruto also discussed how to make the Isiolo International Airport operational as it will be a key element in the socioeconomic transformation of several regions within the country.
“To help realise this for Isiolo and her neighbouring counties, we also agreed on fast-tracking the extension of the runaway at Isiolo International Airport ,” Guyo told the Star.
During the meeting, the governor also brought President Ruto to speed on the compensation issues revolving around the construction of the Isiolo-Kulamawe-Modogashe road (Horn of Africa Gateway project).
“He agreed with me that this is an issue that needs urgent attention and that those affected should be compensated accordingly,” he said.
The road project is part of the Horn of Africa Gateway Road Project, which is aimed at improving the connectivity between Kenya, Somalia, and Ethiopia by upgrading the bitumen standard of the existing road.
Isiolo leaders have been inconsistent that residents from the county must benefit from the project.
The governor also lobbied to find a lasting solution for the land ownership disputes between residents and security agents.
“After discussion, President Ruto said he will ensure that the residents Leparua, Chumvi and the Kisima community of Burat ward are provided with title deeds,” he said.
The governor laid out his plans on acquiring more land to be put under irrigation to enhance food security.
As a result, 50,000 acres will be put under irrigation in Isiolo.
“Following my request, the President has committed to assist my government through relevant ministries to invest resources that will help us put 50,000 acres of land in our county under irrigation,” Guyo added.
To revive past irrigation schemes the Isiolo county government is in the process of setting up infrastructure for 70 acres farm in Malkadaka, 200 acres in Bulesa and 20 acres in Ngaremara in order to begin irrigation farming.
To offer affordable healthcare services to Isiolo residents, the governor requested the President to consider upgrading Isiolo County Teaching and Referral Hospital to a level 5 standard facility.
A level 5 hospital is a county referral hospital with more than 100-bed capacities and is run by a chief executive officer who must be a doctor by profession.