Governor Mutula Jnr commits cabinet to performance contracts

Among key expectations from the governor are the completion of priority projects.

In Summary
  • Governor Kilonzo insisted that his team must embed transparency and financial discipline in their operations.
  • The performance contracting exercise is meant to engender efficiency and quality in service delivery to the public in line with the provisions of the constitution.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr delivers a speech at Greenpark Social hall, Wote during the 2023/2024 performance contracting exercise.
Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr delivers a speech at Greenpark Social hall, Wote during the 2023/2024 performance contracting exercise.

Makueni governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr has urged members of his cabinet to utilize public resources allocated in their departments with prudence as well as transparency in procurement processes.

This, he said, is key to achieving the county’s development objective.

The Governor insisted that his team must embed transparency and financial discipline in their operations.

"Now that we are signing performance contracts, let me reiterate that resources allocated to or generated by county departments are meant to achieve the development objectives," Governor Mutula Jnr noted.

He spoke on Wednesday in Wote town where he officiated the signing of performance contracts by his executive committee members.

The performance contracting exercise is meant to engender efficiency and quality in service delivery to the public in line with the provisions of the constitution.

Among key expectations from the governor are the completion of priority projects and programmes.

He asked county employees to build synergies with relevant departments so as to facilitate better implementation of their projects.

Makueni CEC Paul Musila signs his Performance contracts before Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Wednesday at Greenpark social hall,Wote town.
Makueni CEC Paul Musila signs his Performance contracts before Governor Mutula Kilonzo Jnr on Wednesday at Greenpark social hall,Wote town.

Mutula however noted, that at the end of the Financial Year, members of his cabinet together with their chief officers would be gauged on their effectiveness in delivering their mandate.

Deputy governor Lucy Mulili on her part, took note that the performance contracts were drawn from the county Integrated Development Plan(CIDP111).

"The negotiated performance contracts, therefore, have incorporated initiatives under the CIDP 111 so as to deliver growth and to transform the lives of the people of Makueni," Mulili noted.

Mulili noted that together with Governor Mutula, they signed a performance contract with the people of Makueni when they took office in August 2022.

Tha, he said, would cascade down to the public service for the purposes of delivering development services to the people of Makueni.

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