Over 480 litres of illicit brew destroyed in Machakos crackdown

No arrests were made during operations as managed to culprits escape

In Summary
  • Several 20-litre jerricans of kangara were recovered hidden in holes made by chang’aa brewers along the river.
  • She said illicit businesses including the brew and drugs had led to a spike in crime in the affected areas.
Matungulu deputy county commissioner Everline Wekesa and area subcounty police commander Peter Omondi lead the public in the destroying ilicit brew in Machakos county on October 3, 2023.
Matungulu deputy county commissioner Everline Wekesa and area subcounty police commander Peter Omondi lead the public in the destroying ilicit brew in Machakos county on October 3, 2023.

More than 480 litres of illicit brew have been destroyed in Matungulu, Machakos county.

The brew was poured and destroyed in brewing dens along Katine River in Ngomeni, Matungulu subcounty on Tuesday.

The operations conducted by members of the public were presided over by Matungulu deputy county commissioner Everline Wekesa and area subcounty police commander Peter Omondi.

“We recovered and confiscated 480 litres of kangaraa which was to be fermented into chang’aa,” Omondi told the Star.

Nacada officials also participated in the three–hour operations.

Several 20-litre jerricans of kangara were recovered hidden in holes made by chang’aa brewers along the river.

The security team also discovered that illegal sand harvesting was also taking place in the river.

No arrests were made during the operations since the culprits vanished on noticing more than 300 residents accompanied by police officers and other local leaders.

Wekesa said they had officially commenced an operation dubbed, “ondoa chang’aa mashinani, kwa mto, nyumba.’

“Ukiondoa chang’aa, umeondoa ulevi. We have initiated an operation of eliminating businesses of illicit liquor and drugs,” Wekesa said.

She said illicit businesses including the brew and drugs had led to a spike in crime in the affected areas.

“We are raising these children in a toxic environment. When they come of age, they will steal from this area before heading for other neighbourhoods and later graduate into hardcore criminals,” Wekesa told the locals.

Wekesa said such illicit liquor and drugs were contributors to the increased suicide cases in the area with statistics showing three-quarters of the suicide victims in the Matungulu subcounty were men.

Thomas Kithinjo a resident said illicit brew had resulted in the deaths of many in the area.

“I’m among those who started the war on liquor here since chang’aa has killed many. Youths inherited the chang’aa brewing business from their parents,” Kithinjo said.

He said those involved in brewing the liquor along the river were between the ages of 18-25.

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