Mwangaza holds first Cabinet meeting after surviving ouster

Deputy Governor Mutuma M’Ethingia skipped the sitting.

In Summary

• Photos uploaded by Mwangaza on her Facebook page showed all members of her Cabinet were present in the meeting save for Mutuma who was conspicuously missing.

• Mutuma had before the impeachment accused his boss of gross incompetence saying the governor has been demeaning his office.


Meru Deputy Governor Mutuma M’Ethingia skipped Governor Kawira Mwangaza’s first Cabinet meeting since she survived her second impeachment attempt.

Photos uploaded by Mwangaza on her Facebook page showed all members of her Cabinet were present during the meeting save for Mutuma who was conspicuously missing.

"This morning, I convened a productive Cabinet meeting to discuss key initiatives and address pressing issues. Together, we are committed to advance the wellbeing of Meru residents, and ensure a brighter future for our community. We are determined to serve the people of Meru with dedication and transparency,” Mwangaza said in a statement on Facebook.

Mutuma had before the impeachment accused his boss of gross incompetence saying the governor has been demeaning his office.

The allegation, which was part of the accusations MCAs levelled against Mwangaza, was thrashed by Senators during the impeachment hearing on November 9.

"My PA, office administrator and some other staff were fired," Mutuma had said. 

The DG had further claimed that he was not being facilitated in his movement to inspect projects and that officers working in his office were illegally sacked.

Mutuma said the governor does not inform him about county meetings which he sometimes attends after getting hints using his own means.

"The official meeting happened without my knowledge. There has been no communication as it was cut off for almost three months. I do not even attend the Cabinet meetings because I'm never invited," Mutuma said.

The governor was impeached after 59 MCAs voted in favour of the impeachment motion.

But on November 8 and 9, the Senate deliberated on the evidence produced by the Meru County Assembly via its legal team and Mwangaza's defense among other issues.

The governor pleaded not guilty to all the seven charges that were leveled against her by the MCAs. 

This was the second impeachment attempt Mwangaza survived after the first one was thrown out by the same Senate on December 30, 2022.

In the latest foiled ouster attempt, senators voted to throw out all seven charges levelled against the governor by the Meru County Assembly.

In the first charge on misappropriation and misuse of public resources, 28 senators voted against it while 19 indicted her.

On nepotism and unethical practices, 42 senators voted to save the governor while five senators supported the charge.

On charge three - bullying, vilification and demeaning of other leaders - 44 senators dismissed the charge while three approved it. 

On charge four about illegal appointment and usurpation of statutory powers, 26 senators voted against it while 20 voted in support. One Senator did not vote.

On the contempt of court charge, 44 senators vindicated the governor while three senators backed the assembly on the accusation.

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