Nurturing blooms: Governor Ndeti's vision for every child

Ndeti said all the 35 charitable children institutions in Machakos County will be issued with school fees bursaries

In Summary

•“Let’s ensure that each children home is issued with a cheque for the children’s school fees. I will donate food to all the homes before Christmas Day so that children enjoy Christmas just like those living with their parents," Ndeti said.

Governor Wavinya Ndeti together with children cut a cake when she presided over a children’s Christmas party at the Machakos People’s Park within the county on December 8, 2023.
Governor Wavinya Ndeti together with children cut a cake when she presided over a children’s Christmas party at the Machakos People’s Park within the county on December 8, 2023.

Governor Wavinya Ndeti has emphasised the need for all children, regardless of their life stages, to experience environments filled with care, love, and affection.

She views every child as a flower, deserving the opportunity to blossom and flourish.

“As you all know, children are the most innocent beings and they make my heart glad. They are not only the beauty of the world but also our future,” Ndeti said.

The governor spoke while presided over a children’s Christmas party at the Machakos People’s Park within the county on Friday.

The event was attended by  1, 500 children from 29 children charitable institutions.

There are 35 such children institutions in Machakos County according to the governor.

Going further Ndeti said God has given children special hearts and their presence brings unknown joy, warmth and peace even in most complicated situations.

The county CEO said children are a blessing. Watoto ni kama malaila ( Chilred and like angels)

“As I host this party for these beautiful children, I want to assure them that they are in safe hands. As their mother and governor, I’m committed to playing my role in ensuring that they enjoy their childhood and have good education. I firmly believe that education is the fundamental right of every child," Ndeti said.

The Governor affirmed her administration's dedication to offering essential support to help children fulfill their life aspirations.

She expressed the hope that the innocence in their smiles and purity of their hearts would endure.

Ndeti highlighted that her administration is committed to aiding the growth and development of children in various homes by providing fundamental human needs such as school fees, food, shelter, and clothing.

Machakos County Government in the last financial year disbursed Sh80 million to orphans and vulnerable children across the county's 40 wards towards their school fees in form of bursaries. 

In addition to this, Ndeti said her government would ensure that each children home was issued with a cheque for the children’s school fees.

"I will donate food to all the homes before Christmas Day so that children enjoy Christmas just like those living with their parents. As your mother, I want you to be disciplined and God fearing for your success,” she said.

The Governor had earlier proposed a budgetary allocation of Sh14.75 billion for the county's 2023/24 financial year which she said was based on the socio-economic empowerment policy of 'Chakula mezani, pesa mfukoni'.

Approximately 275,000 Kenyan children are according to latest reports categorized as street children and forced to fulfill their basic needs on the streets.

Without some form of basic education and economic training many children turn to theft and prostitution to survive.

In addition, Governor Ndeti encouraged the orphans and vulnerable children being raised in the institutions to be positive in life and work hard in school terming their being in orphanages as temporary.

The governor stated that even those who have parents are in their homes temporarily.

Ndeti said someone’s background doesn’t matter for his/her success in life.

“Msijionee huruma ( have mercy on yourselves), God loves you, your guardians love you. Be focused in your lives. Being disciplined and God-fearing will help you,” Ndeti added.

Governor Wavinya Ndeti serves children food when she presided over a children’s Christmas party at the Machakos People’s Park within the county on December 8, 2023.
Governor Wavinya Ndeti serves children food when she presided over a children’s Christmas party at the Machakos People’s Park within the county on December 8, 2023.
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