Lands chief officer was sacked over alleged disciplinary matter, says Malombe

The senior county officer was dismissed last week

In Summary

• Malombe spoke when he presided over the signing of performance contracts for 2024/2025 for his CECs on Wednesday

• But the sacked chief officer is fighting back and had said he has proceeded to court to seek justice over his unjust sacking pegged on lies

Kitui governor Julius Malombe speaking during the signing of performance contracts by CECs in his board room on Wednesday.
CONFIRMED Kitui governor Julius Malombe speaking during the signing of performance contracts by CECs in his board room on Wednesday.

Last week's sacking of a Kitui Lands Chief officer, Stephen Musili, was procedural, Governor Julius Malombe has said. 

Malombe said rules of fair administration of justice were followed to the latter, as the officer, who faced damning allegations revolving around gross misconduct, was offered the right to defend himself.

The governor made the sentiments as he fielded questions from the media after presiding over the signing of 2024/2025 performance contracts for his CECs on Wednesday.

The letter to summarily dismiss Musili was written and signed  by the Acting county secretary Agnes Mulewa  on July 1, 2024. 

Malombe cautioned county staff that anyone found in wrongdoing would be fired.

 “I would like to let all chief officers, all ministers and all the staff members to know that if you engage in those acts we will let you go and do them somewhere else,” he warned.

Stephen Musili who was dismissed from duty on Wednesday last week.
MARCHING ORDERS Stephen Musili who was dismissed from duty on Wednesday last week.

County departments that will emerge best in performance will be rewarded annually, while serial poor performers would be sanctioned.

“As we sign these performance contracts today, let us pledge to uphold the principles of good governance, accountability and responsiveness.

“Our collective commitment to these values will be the driving force behind our success in the year ahead,” he said.

The governor also appreciated the hard work and commitment displayed by the staff during the year 2023/2024.

“Together, we have achieved great things and I am confident that with continued collaboration and a shared vision, we will accomplish even more in the 2024/2025 year,” he said.

Malombe said he was proud of the exemplary performance demonstrated by all CECs in the implementation of the performance contracts, leading to effective and efficient service delivery.

 “Dedication of the county officers, hard work and commitment to achieving the set goals have not gone unnoticed."

Kitui CEC for education Joyce Titus and Kitui governor Julius Malombe during the signing of performance contracts on Wednesday.
COMMITMENT Kitui CEC for education Joyce Titus and Kitui governor Julius Malombe during the signing of performance contracts on Wednesday.

But in a swift rejoinder, Musili said he was unjustly dismissed on witch hunt and fabricated accusations.

On Wednesday evening, Musili said he would challenge the decision in court after being subjected to a "biassed and predetermined hearing" by the county's public service board. 

“The governor never gave me an audience despite several attempts to reach him. He was fed with lies and made a decision based on lies,” he said.

“Let’s wait for the courts to pronounce itself.”

Kitui governor Julius Malombe shakes hands with his deputy Augustine Kanani soon after the CECs finalised the signing of performance contracts.
BRAVO Kitui governor Julius Malombe shakes hands with his deputy Augustine Kanani soon after the CECs finalised the signing of performance contracts.
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