
Railways Golf Club official charged with assault

Kenya Railways Golf Club administrator was yesterday charged with assaulting a worker.Michael Mwangi denied assaulting Patrick Muema before principal magistrate Barbara Ojoo.He allegedly committed the offence on August 1.Mwangi was released on Sh10,000 bail.The case will be heard on December 6.

by Annette Wambulwa

Nairobi21 January 2019 - 07:25
Kenya Railways Golf Club./COURTESY

Kenya Railways Golf Club administrator was yesterday charged with assaulting a worker.

Michael Mwangi denied assaulting Patrick Muema before principal magistrate Barbara Ojoo.

He allegedly committed the offence on August 1.

Mwangi was released on Sh10,000 bail.

The case will be heard on December 6.


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