
Nairobi stops development in Kibra land occupied by Nubians, declares it special area

The declaration doesn't affect development granted six months prior


Counties26 March 2023 - 08:23

In Summary

  • •No more developments in the mentioned area and developments are suspended for a period of not more than two years from the date of this notice.
  • •Projects that are currently under construction and at an advanced stage will be allowed to complete.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja speaking at City Hall on March 21, 2023.

City hall has declared land occupied by the Nubian community in Kibra as a special planning area as plans ahead its upgrade.

In a public notice issued on Saturday by Acting County Secretary Jairus Musumba, the objective of the declaration is to enable the preparation of a Local Physical Development and Land use plan within the provisions of a special planning area in accordance with PLUPA 2019.


"PURSUANT to Section 52, and 53 of the Physical and Land use Planning Act no 13 of 2019, Notice is given that the Nairobi City County Government declares all that area of land measuring approximately 288 acres in Kibera and held under the Kibra Nubian Community Land Title as a Special Planning Area," reads the notice.

As a result, there shall be no more developments in the mentioned area and developments are suspended for a period of not more than two  years from the date of this notice.

According to City hall, the plan will be the guiding framework for the redevelopment of the land, including infrastructure development and construction of affordable housing on the 288 acres of land allocated to the Kibra Nubian Community.

It will also encompass a financing structure to deliver the redevelopment project for both infrastructure and housing.

This process will be undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry of Lands, Public Works, Housing and Urban Development.

However, the declaration of the special planning does not affect development permission granted six (months prior to this declaration.

A map of the subject area will be posted at the precincts of the County Government offices at City Hall, the offices of the Kibra Sub-County, all Ward Administration offices within the Sub-County and on the Nairobi City County official website.

Chief officer for urban planning Patrick Analo told the Star that the justification of the declaration is to ensure future developments are in harmony with the requirements of the new plan.

However, projects that are currently under construction and at an advanced stage will be allowed to complete.

"Additionally, the key pillar of the New Local Physical Development Plan will be to provide affordable housing.The county government, in collaboration, is determined to reduce informalities in the city through affordable housing projects," Analo added.

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