City Hall demolishes MCA's building on allegedly grabbed Eastleigh land

MCA Fuad attributed the action to personal differences with Sakaja.

In Summary

•The demolition will be a litmus test to both national and county governments that have for decades been accused of abetting land grabbing.

•Last month, Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja put land grabbers on notice.

Demolition of a two-story unfinished structure that had been erected on the contested land in Eastleigh, Nairobi on August 4, 2023
Demolition of a two-story unfinished structure that had been erected on the contested land in Eastleigh, Nairobi on August 4, 2023
Image: Handout

Nairobi County on Friday reclaimed a grabbed land in Eastleigh  that was part of a health centre.

In a statement, the county claimed that the two-storey unfinished structure was constructed despite opposition from environmentalists and county health center management.

The incomplete building was demolished under tight security provided by a heavy police contingent to avoid looting of the salvaged property.

Those who were yearning to loot construction materials including metals were kept at bay by police officers.

Official documents seen by the Star indicate that the area’s MCA Fuad Hussein Mohammed, had sought approval from the County Planning team to use the land for establishing his office. 

According to the letter to the Kamukunji sub-county Ministry of Health, dated December 28,  2022, Eastleigh Health Center sought intervention following the demolition of old structures at the facility to establish a new building.

This demolition was done to make way for a new building intended to serve as the MCA’s office.

Also, the County Secretary’s office had documented complaints from the Eastleigh Airbase Residents’ lobby.

The community expressed concerns about land grabbing and the lack of transparency.

The community’s sentiment was summed up in a letter, which read in part: “We strongly believe in community action, and we vowed to protect it even with our lives. It has become evident to the residents of Eastleigh Airbase that the current MCA is up to no good, and we, as the community, have information that he has ulterior motives of constructing commercial property on public land, especially land designated for a hospital that serves the most vulnerable citizens, including the elderly and children.”

The residents lamented the absence of proper public participation and consultation with local administration, Nyumba Kumi (neighborhood watch) groups, youth/women organizations, and the religious community.

Responding to the demolition, MCA Fuad attributed the action to personal differences with Governor Sakaja.

In a social media post, he suggested that the move followed his outspoken demand for accountability from the governor’s office and all County Executive Committee Members.

In his statement, Fuad said, “Sakaja Johnson, there’s no way that you’re taking the beef to the ground…if you think that you can silence me, you’re very wrong. I won’t be ridiculed. I’ll expose your impunity until the last minute.”

In addition, Nairobi county Build, Environment and Urban Planning sector has rolled out development plan to help deter land grabbing, evict land grabbers from public properties and regulate on encroachment of buildings.

All developers within the county are required to submit drawings to physical planning sector for approval, stream revenue and promote authentication of properties before proceeding with construction.

Last month, Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja put land grabbers on notice.

He warned those that had grabbed public land belonging to schools and hospitals to pack up and leave ‘before the law catches up with them’.

“Those that have been stealing land meant for schools, I ask you to start packing and move out because we’re not going to negotiate. That we can not negotiate,” said Sakaja.

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