UDA MCAs vow to put Sakaja’s administration in check

UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala on Monday announced the changes.

In Summary
  • President William Ruto-led party has effected changes in its leadership at the Nairobi county assembly.
  • Minority Whip Joy Muthoni challenged the Speaker of the county assembly to effect the changes.

The newly appointed United Democratic Alliance UDA leaders at the Nairobi county assembly have vowed to play their oversight and put the executive in check. https://rb.gy/6ot6i

A section of UDA MCAs addressing the media at the Nairobi County Assembly on l, Nairobi on October 23, 2023
A section of UDA MCAs addressing the media at the Nairobi County Assembly on l, Nairobi on October 23, 2023

The newly appointed United Democratic Alliance UDA leaders at the Nairobi county assembly have vowed to play their oversight and put the executive in check. 

Led by Minority leader Waithera Chege, the leaders revealed that there is a clear disconnect between the Sakaja administration and the realities on the grounds.

Speaking to the media, they said one year since they were elected, problems related to garbage collection, traffic and harassment by inspectorate officers have been on the rise.

They said the current administration has not shown any interest in bringing solutions.

“Our people have already told us what they want the government to address. We want to see results not rhetoric. Payment of huge legal fees and harassment of traders by county askaris can never be the people's priority," she said.

The second term MCA added that the executive was not implementing what the grounds needs

Waithera at the same time said some officers in the current regime have been a hindrance towards the realisation of ward development.

"We implore upon Governor Sakaja to take a personal interest in this matter and ensure that projects are procured on time and implemented," he said.

In addition, Waithera asked the ousted leadership to join them and work together for a better stay at the assembly.

"Unlike our predecessors who chose to pursue a personal interest, we promise members that we shall push the agenda of Nairobi residents," she said.

On her side, Minority Whip Joy Muthoni challenged the Speaker of the county assembly to effect the changes.

"The ball is in your court. The party has played its row now it's up to you ( Speaker Ng'ondi)," she said.

However, the assembly is on recess until next week.

Earlier in the day, UDA party effected changes in its leadership at the Nairobi county assembly.

UDA secretary general Cleophas Malala on Monday announced the changes.

"Pursuant to and in accordance with provisions of standing orders no 21 of the Nairobi County Assembly, the party appoints South B MCA Waithera Chege as Minority leader replacing Waithaka MCA Antony Kiragu," reads the letter.

Waithera will be deputized by Deonysias Mwangi (Guthurai MCA).

Umoja One MCA Mark Mugambi was replaced by Nominated MCA Joyce Muthoni as Minority whip.

Muthoni will be deputized by Clay MCA Samora Mwaura as her deputy.

Malala in a letter said a meeting had been held earlier by UDA MCAs where the discussion to remove the former leadership was raised.

"In the said meeting it was resolved that the minority leader and the minority whip be removed for reasons contained in the referred minutes. We enclose herewith copies of the said minutes and the signed attendance record of the honourable members," reads the letter.

The letter was addressed to the office of the Speaker and copied to the minority leadership.

A section of the legislators on Thursday last week had called the party's top leadership to change their leaders at the assembly.

At least 35 MCAs from the Ruto-led party appended their signatures in support of the ouster of MCA Kiragu and MCA Mugambi from the leadership positions.

According to the UDA lawmakers, the two had failed to offer direction and leadership to party members on critical legislative matters.

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