Governor Sakaja breaks Nairobi's own-source revenue record

Sakaja said their target was Sh13 billion which would have been achieved were it not for protests.

In Summary
  • Sakaja said despite all odds, the county broke the collection record due to digitisation and reduction of wastages in the collection system.
  • Meanwhile, Sakaja has opposed plans to slash the Sh400 billion allocated to the counties in the current financial year.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja.
Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja.
Image: FILE

City Hall has a reason to celebrate as its own source revenue increased to Sh12.8 billion in the financial year 2023/24 from Sh10.6 billion in the financial year 2022-2023.

Governor Johnson Sakaja said the amount could have hit Sh13 billion were it not for the demos which paralysed activities in the City.

"There are days that we went as low as Sh10 million, a week where we would be collecting at least Sh85 million per day and those are the resources that were serving the people of Nairobi. I want to thank our people," he said. 

He spoke while addressing the media on Thursday.

Sakaja said despite all odds, the county broke the collection record due to digitisation and reduction of wastage in the collection system.

"When you have a no cash policy and everything comes directly into our system, to our banks and the county revenue fund, then you find that a lot of wastage and pilferage is reduced," he said. 

Meanwhile, Sakaja has opposed plans to slash the Sh400 billion allocated to the counties in the current financial year.

He says the law says the counties must not suffer in the event of a Revenue shortfall in the National government.

The county collected Sh12,812,842,165 in the last financial year with Sh1.04 billion being from the county hospitals. 

The Nairobi Funeral home contributed Sh26 million while the liquor board revenue contributed Sh270 million to the county's own revenue.

The county collected Sh3.4 billion from the land rates and Sh1.9 billion from the parking fee.

The single business permits generated Sh2.3 billion with the plans and inspections (building permits) generating Sh1.23 billion.

Billboards and advertisements generated Sh661 million, markets Sh214 million and house rents Sh503 million.

The county also collected Sh106 million from the food handlers' certificates and Sh839 million from other incomes. 

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