South Eastern varsity to build Sh600m campuses

Seku PR chief Osir Otteng with Wote campus principal Dr Patrick Kisangau in Wote on Tuesday / MUSEMBI NZENGU
Seku PR chief Osir Otteng with Wote campus principal Dr Patrick Kisangau in Wote on Tuesday / MUSEMBI NZENGU

South Eastern Kenya University (Seku) is putting up two campuses in Kitui and Wote towns at a cost of close to Sh600 million.

Head of public relations and communication at Seku, Osir Otteng, said construction is expected to have been completed by September 2018.

He spoke at the Seku main campus in Kwavonza, Kitui, on Tuesday. Seku currently rents premises in Kitui and Wote.

“The Wote town campus is being constructed at the cost of Sh296 million, while the Kitui one costs Sh286 million. It is a massive investment,” Otteng said. The first phase includes the construction of lecture halls and administration block.

“We have not factored in students’ hostels in the first phase because we expect students who will initially be enrolled to be accommodated elsewhere. The idea is to accord all a chance to get higher education,” Otteng said.

He continued, “Seku is a reputable institution and we do not want to have a reputation for


from rented places in towns that give a negative picture.” Otteng said the institution is focussed on providing quality education.

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