
Fafi residents denounce Shabaab after four killed in IED attack

About 30 heavily armed al Shabab militia attacked Amuma in Fafi, Garissa on Saturday evening.

by The Star

North-eastern20 February 2022 - 09:38

In Summary

  • Last week, four people were killed in an IED attack between Bura East and Galmagala.
  • The region has in the  past three weeks experienced IED attacks that have claimed 16 lives.
Elder Idriss Yunis speaking during a peace meeting in Bura East, Fafi on Wednesday, February 16.

Residents of Fafi in Garissa have denounced al Shabaab militants and their sympathisers saying they will not tolerate terrorism.

About 30 heavily armed al Shabab militia attacked Amuma in Fafi, Garissa on Saturday evening.

A fierce gun battle ensued between the militants and police officers supported by national police reservists. The terrorists were repulsed and calm restored after two hours.

Last week, four people were killed in an IED attack between Bura East and Galmagala.

The victims were part of a group of six people travelling from Masalani to Holugho when their vehicle was hit.

The incident prompted security agencies to hold a meeting with residents on Wednesday. The meeting was chaired by deputy county commissioner Thomas Bett.

Fafi deputy county commissioner Thomas Bett speaking during the peace meeting in Bura East on Wednesday, February 16.

Speaking at the meeting, elder Idriss Yunis said that the militants are enemies of progress whom they will never entertain.

He said they will continue working closely with the security teams to ensure that security is maintained.

Another elder, Abdi Hussein said no religion advocates for one to be killed adding that what the militants were doing was against any region’s teachings.

He urged residents to be more vigilant and report any suspicious people in their villages, to help forestall similar occurrences.

The deputy county commissioner thanked the residents for their resolve to work with the security teams in weeding out the militants hiding in their midst.

He said the government has put in place proper arrangements that will ensure that the national exams set to start in March will go on uninterrupted.

Local leaders have also urged the security agencies to intensify efforts of securing roads especially in the villages and towns that border Somalia.

Elder Abdi Hussein speaking during a peace meeting in Bura East, Fafi sub county.

Garissa Governor Ali Korane said the cowardly attacks are not only claiming the lives of innocent victims and bringing immense grief onto the families, but were also a hindrance to development.

Former governor Nathif Jama also urged security agencies to up their game and secure the region from terrorists.

“These incidents speak volumes about how wanting the state of security is in our county. I want to call for quick comprehensive measures by the national government on matters security at Garissa,” he said.

The region has in the  past three weeks experienced IED attacks that have claimed 16 lives.

(Edited by Bilha Makokha)

Elders from Bura East during a peace meeting on Wednesday, February 16.
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