Family pleads for help to bring daughter's body from Saudi

Mother Agnes Kioko says Mercy Sakim died under unclear circumstances.

In Summary
  • Kioko said her daughter had left the country for Saudi Arabia in search of greener pastures.
  • She said they didn’t have much information surrounding her daughter’s death.
Mercy Sakim
Mercy Sakim

A family in Kangundo, Machakos, is pleading with the government to help bring the body of their daughter who died in Saudi Arabia.

Mercy Sakim, 28, from Kalimani village in Kangundo subcounty is said to have died in August.

Her mother Agnes Kioko said her daughter died under unclear circumstances.

“I loved Mercy so much. She loved everyone and was equally loved,” Kioko said in Kalimani on Wednesday.

“I have lost a wonderful child. This child was disciplined and understanding, she couldn’t question me whenever I told her to do something. She listened and obeyed.” 

Kioko said Sakim's death had hurt her so much and called on the government to help bring her body back home for a decent burial.

She said she became curious after communication between them was cut.

The deceased went silent forcing the family members to enquire about her whereabouts only to realise she was dead.

Kioko said her daughter had left the country for Saudi Arabia in search of greener pastures.

She said they didn’t have much information surrounding her death.

Kioko who is a widow said the daughter has left behind a seven–year–old son.

She also supported her to raise her two brothers.

The deceased’s elder brother Michael Kimali said he was the last family member to see her before she left for Saudi Arabia.

Kimali said they had been in constant communication, she was doing well.

“My sister supported our mother and son while in Saudi Arabia,” he said.

Machakos Senator Agnes Kavindu said it was sad for young people to go to Saudi Arabia only to get back home in caskets.

Kavindu called on the government to probe the woman’s death.

“I am calling on the government and Kenyan Embassy in Saudi Arabia to help the family bring her body back to Kenya,” Kavindu said.

Edited by Kiilu Damaris

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