Governor Abdullahi launches Sh40 million disability fund

The money is set to benefit 1,178 people with disability.

In Summary

• The fund is domiciled in the education, social welfare and family affairs department. 

• Former nominated MCA Fatuma Yussuf urged national and county governments and the private sector to give priority to PLWDs during hiring of workers.

Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi holds a dummy cheque of Sh40.344 million county disability fund
Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi holds a dummy cheque of Sh40.344 million county disability fund

Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi has launched a Sh40 million county disability fund.

He said his administration is committed to uplifting the living standards of PWDs and ensuring they are treated equally.

Speaking outside the county headquarters in Wajir on Tuesday, the governor said the money is set to benefit 1,178 people with disability.

Abdullahi said the fund is aimed at improving their living standards through the enhancement of household purchasing power, reducing poverty and reducing infant malnutrition.

The fund is domiciled in the education, social welfare and family affairs department. 

“Our administration will commit to expanding opportunities not limited to cash transfers for PWDs and strive for their social, economic and political inclusion," the governor said.

"We will further set up an orthopaedic workshop to produce and repair assistive and other supportive devices for the disabled person.” 

Persons with disability during the launch of Sh40.344 million county disability fund at Wajir county headquarters.
Persons with disability during the launch of Sh40.344 million county disability fund at Wajir county headquarters.

Deputy Governor Ahmed Muhumed urged communities to stop neglecting PWDs, especially leaving them behind without help, when moving from one place to another in search of pasture and water for their livestock.

Former nominated MCA Fatuma Yussuf urged national and county governments and the private sector to give priority to PLWDs during hiring of workers.

“We don’t need just money, we need something that can sustain us. There are a number of empowerment programmes that can help the PWDs like opening businesses for them, giving them jobs or teaching them how they can get a source of livelihood,” she said.

In his manifesto, Abdullahi had promised to help people with disability.

He had promised to start by completing the installation of elevators at the county headquarters, a project which stalled at the tail-end of his previous term.

Former Nominated MCA Fatuma Yussuf during the launch of Sh40.344 million Wajir county disability fund.
Former Nominated MCA Fatuma Yussuf during the launch of Sh40.344 million Wajir county disability fund.
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