
Marsabit DG Gubo launch cross-border peace and development project

He called on the local NGOs operating in the region to ensure transparency


North-eastern01 April 2023 - 18:31

In Summary

  • The new project aims to reduce conflicts by strengthening the capacity of local structures and government institutions to sustainably address conflicts along the border and improve development and fight cattle rustling and violence by providing alternatives.
  • The project is funded by Austrian Development Corporation and VOS and implemented by the Horn of Africa Development Initiative ( HODI).
Deputy Governor Solomon Gubo addressing the participants during the launched of peace and development project

Marsabit Deputy Governor Solomon Gubo has launched peace-building, Development and Humanitarian Efforts on the Kenya and Ethiopia cross-border project, targeting communities in the Kenya-Ethiopia borderlands.

The new project aims to reduce conflicts by strengthening the capacity of local structures and government institutions to sustainably address conflicts along the border and improve development and fight cattle rustling and violence by providing alternatives.

The project is funded by Austrian Development Corporation and VOS and implemented by the Horn of Africa Development Initiative ( HODI).

Speaking during the launch of the project in Moyale, the Deputy Governor pledged the county government collaboration in strengthening cross-border community dialogue and early warning mechanisms for conflict prevention.

"The project aims to improve food and nutrition security of communities through capacity development of natural resource management, increased economic development among pastoralists and cross border engagements," he said

He said the project objectives aligned with the county administration's development agenda.

"The project targeted cross-border and inter-conflict management and it suits our priority for marsabit people on peacebuilding and conflict resolutions," he said

He promised development partners that governor Mohamud's administration will strengthen strategic partnerships as the county government embarks on delivering its mandate to residents.

He called on the local NGOs operating in the region to ensure transparency in their operation.

He said NGOs are playing a significant role in empowering poor people and creating employment opportunities but the activities of some NGOs have led to misconceptions about NGO activities.

He asked the NGO leaders to ensure accountability in the collection and disbursement of funds, emphasizing the need to establish a self-monitoring system among NGOs to ensure transparency and accountability in their activities.

With an increasing number of youth falling into drug addiction, Deputy Governor urged parents and guardians to monitor their children's behaviour, changing habits and other cues to keep them from falling through the cracks.

Participants follow the launch of peace and development project in Moyale

He said that male, as well as female youngsters, get into drug addiction.

He said parents should monitor the company of their children and mood swings for early prevention and cure.

"Parents should pay attention to their children. Don't use all your time to chase money. What happens when the money comes but the family which you are labouring for is in trouble," he said

The deputy governor said when parents talk to their children directly, they are more likely to respect their rules and advice about alcohol and drug use.

"When parents talk with their children often about the negative effect of drugs, they can protect their children from many of the high-risk behaviours associated with using the drugs," he said

He urged residents to embrace public participation forums to enhance accountability and transparency in governance.

He noted that it was the constitutional right for everyone to participate in public engagements forums to ensure that their voice is heard.

Deputy Governor Solomon Gubo said it was the responsibility of residents to prioritise their development needs by voicing them, revealing that it was only possible when they all attended and contributed during public participation forums.

"It is the constitutional right of every citizen to participate in public participation forums. This is the only way they can prioritize their development needs and ensure their voice is heard," he said

He said consultation forums are organized every financial year to provide an opportunity for stakeholders and the public to discuss and provide county development priorities.

"Public participation is key in governance planning to ensure that the projects implemented by the government are what the public truly needs and will benefit them directly," said Deputy Governor

He appealed to the residents to actively take part in peacebuilding and conflict resolutions, saying there is a need to promote an atmosphere of cordiality, tolerance and peace so that government can successfully implement various development projects.

While commending elders for spearheading peace-building efforts, he said the peace process is a collective effort and not a one-stop activity.

He maintained that peaceful coexistence, building resilience and encouraging unity is vital in all communities.

He asked small-scale farmers to embrace modern agriculture practices to optimize output on their piece of land.

"Farmers should take advantage of the various modern farming such as irrigation to increase crop production," he said

Acting county commissioner David Saruni promised the Kenyan administration will partner with Ethiopian stakeholders on a cross-border peace program.

He said he was confident in the success of collaboration having witnessed how passionate Governor Mohamud was for cross-border peace and cohesion.

He urged residents living in the borderlines to continue living in harmony with those in their neighbourhood for the sake of peace.

He warned those still carrying out banditry and cattle rustling to refrain from such activities to restore lasting peace along the border.

The VOS boss Catherine Mwangi promised to work on the existing structures for the implementation of peace and development projects across the border.

She said the new project builds on VSO's growing experience on integrate triple nexus programmes in fragile and conflict-affected areas.

CEO HODI Noor Abdulkadir promised to work on the already existing structures like peace committees saying the project is a community-based project.

He said they will enhance human capability and social assets to reduce vulnerability resulting from conflicts and weak social cohesion.

The peace and development project across the border

Noor said they will identify and build the capacity of the indigenous institutions and peace committees to enhance conflict mitigation through the application of existing structures.

He said collaboration between local peace actors and the humanitarian system will be enhanced.

The government has been urged to adopt the harm reduction strategy as a way of fighting against the growing drug abuse in the region.

The harm reduce strategy according to peace committee members seek to approve drug use fight as a public health issue.

The call was made by Sololo peace committee member Rukia Hussein. She said by using this approach, the government can reduce the amount of money to use on enforcement operations and instead focus invest in job creation programs for the youth.

She urged the government to invest in its youth job creation strategy as a way of reducing their exposure and vulnerability to drug mules.

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