MP Wako issues cheques to students, distributes water tanks to women

40 women groups in Loiyangalani benefited from the NGAAF water tanks.

In Summary
  • The water tanks with a capacity of 5,000 litres each are expected to reduce the problem of water being experienced in the region, especially during the drought seasons.
  • MP Wako said that the tanks would be used to harvest rainwater which in most cases goes to waste due to lack of water harnessing equipment.
Marsabit Woman Representative joined dancers when she distributed plastic water tanks on Wednesday at Marsabit stadium.
Marsabit Woman Representative joined dancers when she distributed plastic water tanks on Wednesday at Marsabit stadium.

At least 100 women groups in Loiyangalani and Saku subcounty received plastic water tanks being distributed by county woman representative Naomi Jillo Wako.

The water tanks with a capacity of 5,000 litres each are expected to reduce the problem of water being experienced in the region, especially during the drought seasons.

Speaking on Wednesday at Marsabit stadium when she delivered 60 tanks to the Saku women's group, MP Wako said that the tanks would be used to harvest rainwater which in most cases goes to waste due to lack of water harnessing equipment.

"The tanks will go a long way in addressing the water problem in the county," she said.

"I am committed to easing household water shortage and increasing access to clean water through rainwater harvesting," she said.

40 women groups in Loiyangalani benefited from the NGAAF water tanks.

MP Wako advised the youth and women in the county to form self-help groups to enable access to grants from the devolved fund kitty.

She said the government has many funding opportunities for the groups, but they cannot benefit as individuals since it is meant for the groups.

"We are insisting on the registration of the members to enable them to benefit from the many opportunities the government is offering," said Marsabit Woman MP.

She said the groups with less than one hundred members will have to join with another to attain the stipulated numbers in order to qualify for the grants.

Marsabit Woman Representative issued cheques to school principals on Wednesday at Marsabit stadium
Marsabit Woman Representative issued cheques to school principals on Wednesday at Marsabit stadium

She noted that it is also important to empower young men equally as ladies so that they do not get into alcoholism and drug abuse due to lack of jobs.

Wako also issued sh 2.4 million cheques to women, youth and persons with disability groups across the county.

A total of 24 groups each receiving Sh100,000.

She urged the beneficiaries to use the money for the intended purpose and become role models to other groups.

"I want to challenge the beneficiary to ensure the funds are used for the intended purpose so that you become a role model for many other groups in your area," said the Deputy chief whip.

Marsabit County woman representative also released Sh2.4 million for bursaries to support bright students to remain in school.

A total of 206 needy students were selected as the most vulnerable.

Naomi called on school principals to negotiate with parents rather than chase students out of school for not paying their fees.

She urged students to reciprocate the gesture by focusing on their studies and producing good results.

MP Wako also promised to supply sanitary pads to all schools across the county to enhance the dignity and self-esteem of school girls.

NGAAF coordinator Adannur Dambi Wario urged both women and youths to register themselves as groups in order to benefit from many opportunities presented to them by both the government and non-governmental organizations.

He said the initiative by Wako to discourage residents against early marriages and female genital mutilation while focusing on promoting youth's talents.

He urged residents not to tolerate FGM and early marriages as it undermines the Rights of a girl child.

Deputy county commissioner David Saruni has warned that the county risks becoming a drug den if quick measures are not taken to address the drug menace.

"We are faced with an imminent danger of drug menace and if we fail to act now, we shall have a problem in the future," said Saruni.

He said the police will take stringent action against those smuggling and selling drugs.

Tari Bonaya a beneficiary thanked the women representative for the initiative saying the time spent looking for water will be used for other social economic activities.

Women groups in Saku on Wednesday benefitted from water tanks distributed by County MP
Women groups in Saku on Wednesday benefitted from water tanks distributed by County MP
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