Residents of Rawana and Funaan Qumbi in Sololo Sub-county have begun benefitting from the water projects.
The projects were done by the County Government and Strategies for Northern Development with the support of Oxfam.
Speaking during the handover ceremony, CECM Water, Environment, Climate Change and Natural Resources Malicha Boru said Governor Mohamud Ali's administration prioritized the development of water infrastructure.
"Governor Mohamud's administration has so far carried out a lot of water projects. The projects involve the construction of water intakes and reservoirs, laying of water pipes, sinking of boreholes as well as distribution of water tanks to help in harvesting and storage of rainwater," said the water executive,
He called on residents to own the projects by ensuring it is protected so that the expected benefits would reach the people.
"Easy access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene are fundamental to improving the standards of living in the community," he said
Malicha said the county government is committed to protecting its natural water resources in order to make portable clean water available and accessible for the residents.
Malicha advised the pastoral community to embrace diversification of income sources as opposed to sole dependence on livestock keeping.
"Farmers should not hesitate to prepare their farms as there is the possibility of having early rains," he advised
He said preparing early helps farmers to avoid last-minute rush as well as doing things haphazardly when they start planting.
Malicha challenged farmers to embrace technologies and modern-day farming methods to boost production, and profitability as well as make the county's food secure.
He said the solution to challenges facing agriculture ranging from shrinking land, poor yields and food insecurity lay in the adoption of modern farming trends.
Chief Officer Water Services Roba Galma Halakhe revealed that the department is set to roll out the use of an automated pre-paid water metering system.
This is to increase efficiency in water supply saying the token meters will help customers control their spending on water and outage detection.
He said the county government of Marsabit has developed several initiatives to improve access to water and sanitation.
The chief officer urged the water management committees to responsibly run boreholes to ensure constant supply and proper maintenance.
" It is the responsibility of the committee to ensure that the machines are well maintained," he said
He said that the county government has repaired all boreholes that had been broken down to address the water shortage.
CEO strategies for Northern Development Ali Ibrahim Dida lauded the county's commitment to the partnership which will see more than 700 households in Rawana and Funaan Qumbi getting access to clean water and improved sanitation services.
He said the construction of water points, storage facilities, extension piping and animal drinking troughs was meant to allow for multiple uses of the precious commodity sustainably and guarantee the right to potable water to the targeted populations.
Ibrahim said, his organization is on a mission to unlock water potential in a move to support the county government's agenda of ensuring access to clean water.
"We are on a mission to ensure that county's water potential is exploited to the fullest and help propel the government's agenda on access to safe drinking water to every citizen," he said
The CEO said the water project will enable community and learning institutions to enjoy access to safe and clean water.
" Water challenges have been a barrier to the wellbeing of the community. Access to safe water was a priority for SND. Water is a precursor to development as it allows the community to prosper and thrive as a result of good health." he said
"We are happy to hand over these projects to the county that will now manage them and ensure that the community continue to benefit."
Galmo Wario, a resident of Funaan Qumbi commended the strategies for Northern Development for construction of water points that supply water to their place.
She said that formerly, women and girls were waking up early in the morning to fetch water from a distant area.
"We spend many hours doing household chores and little hours in economic activities. We are now working smoothly," she said
For her part, Buke Gababa concurred with Galmo's sentiments, commending the strategies for Northern Development and County Government for ensuring that they are supplied with enough water, which is an essential utility for their livelihoods.