
Strive to promote county agenda, Wajir administrators told

Governor says incorporating a unified government strategy in operational processes is essential to ensuring effective governance


Counties11 October 2023 - 18:00

In Summary

  • Abdullahi said incorporating a unified government strategy throughout all ward levels' operational processes is essential to ensuring effective governance.
  • He said county employees from the senior most to the lowest, must focus on serving residents to ensure benefits reach the grassroots.
Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi speaking in Wajir when he hosted a dinner for the administrators.

Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi has urged ward and sub-county administrators to vigorously promote the county government's agenda in their areas.

Abdullahi said incorporating a unified government strategy throughout all ward levels' operational processes is essential to ensuring effective governance.

He was speaking in Wajir on Tuesday when he hosted a dinner for the administrators.  Also present was deputy governor Ahmed Muhumed and the CECs.

Abdullahi who was last week re-elected as the deputy vice chairperson Council of Governors, stressed the importance of employees giving value for the money earned as salaries and allowances by ensuring they deliver in their mandates.

The governor who is serving his second and last term said he will not entertain laziness, incompetence and corruption in his administration.

He said county employees from the senior most to the lowest, must focus on serving residents to ensure benefits reach the grassroots.

Abdullahi said he was keen on not only living behind a rich legacy, but also delivering on the promises he made to the electorate. He added that this will only be achieved through the full support of all county employees from top to bottom.

“I cannot over emphasise the key role that you play in the day-to-day operations of government activities. It is upon you to tell our people what this administration is doing in terms of plans we have to deliver services to them. I am also relying on you to keep me posted on the emerging challenges in your respective areas of operations,” he said.

He went on, “Each one of you has his or her job cut out. You know what is required of you at all times. You should remain professional and adhere to set standards.”

Some of the key sectors he said his administration was keen on improving were; water, health, infrastructure, agriculture livestock as well as education, disclosing that already strides have been made.

During sessions together which primarily served as an interactive session to gain insights into challenges the administrators  are currently encountering, the governor had the opportunity to inform them on the different initiatives that his administration is presently working on.

Abdullahi emphasised the importance for the administration to increase productivity and revenue collection.

He also stressed the importance of maintaining town discipline, particularly in preventing the unauthorised fencing of large tracts of land.


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