Be cautious when crossing Enziu river, Kitui residents told

On December 4, 2021, 33 people died after a bus was swept away by floods when trying to cross the river

In Summary

•Kanani said during the current  rains people should avoided  flooded  rivers  and consequently eschew mindless deaths

•The deputy governor spoke on Saturday  during  the reception for  the solemnisation of the marriage of Kitui chief officer for lands Stephen Kivunzi  and his wife Pauline on Saturday.

Kitui Agriculture executive Stephen Kimwele, Kitui Deputy Governor Augustine Kanani, and Kitui Lands chief officer Stephen Musli and his wife Pauline during the wedding reception at Kimu Primary School in Kitui on Saturday.
Kitui Agriculture executive Stephen Kimwele, Kitui Deputy Governor Augustine Kanani, and Kitui Lands chief officer Stephen Musli and his wife Pauline during the wedding reception at Kimu Primary School in Kitui on Saturday.

Kitui Deputy Governor Augustine Kanani has urged residents to be cautious when crossing Enziu river and other flooded places.

He said it would be unacceptable and sad for the county to experience a disaster of the magnitude of the Enziu tragedy in which 33 people drowned in 2021.

"You people recall the Enziu disaster. We do not want to experience a repeat of the same anywhere in our county,” Kanani who is in charge of disaster management told Kitui residents on Saturday.

On December 4, 2021, a bus was swept away by flash floods while crossing flooded Enziu River.

The bus was carrying members of St Cecilia Mwingi Catholic Church choir who were on their way to Nuu Catholic Church to attend a wedding.

Newly wedded couple Stephen Musila, who is the Kitui lands chief officer and his wife Pauline at the Kimu Catholic church on Saturday.
Newly wedded couple Stephen Musila, who is the Kitui lands chief officer and his wife Pauline at the Kimu Catholic church on Saturday.

“My advise is that if you come across a flooded river, do not be in a hurry to cross, just give yourself at least 30 minutes after the rains for the floods to subside then cross safely. Floods in our rivers do not last for long,” Kanani said.

He said with the onset of the rains in Kitui county, some people have exhibited risky behaviours by venturing into or driving through flooded rivers.

"Let us be wary of flooded rivers and the associated disaster. The weatherman predicted El Niño and signs are nigh that it is here with us. We need to be cautious as we move around when it is raining," Kanani said.

Kitui Central MP Makali Mulu said, “Those who are up to date with current affairs are aware that people have died in floods during the current rains. Cars have been washed away. I urge our people to avoid flooded rivers and not to act in a risky daredevil manner.”

The two leaders spoke at Kimu Primary School during the reception for Kitui lands chief officer Stephen Musili after he solemnised his wedding with his wife, Pauline. 

Musili and Pauline have been married for 20 years and on Saturday decided to renew their marital vows at Kimu Catholic church.

The ceremony was presided over by Kitui Catholic Dioceses vicar general Fr John Mwandi.

The ceremony was also attended by among others Mwingi North MP Paul Nzengu, Kitui land executive Frederick Kimanga, Stephen Kimwele (agriculture) and Peter Kilonzo (treasury).

Kitui CECs Stephen Kimwele (agriculture), Fredrick Kimanga (lands) and Peter Kilonzo (treasury) at Kimu Primary School on Saturday.
Kitui CECs Stephen Kimwele (agriculture), Fredrick Kimanga (lands) and Peter Kilonzo (treasury) at Kimu Primary School on Saturday.

Kanani cautioned Kitui politicians against engaging in early campaigns for the gubernatorial seat and instead wait until 2027 electioneering.

“It is time for development and we have Governor Julius Malombe on the saddle and there is no vacuum until 2027,” the deputy governor said.

Mulu had told residents that since he has served as the MP for Kitui Central for three consecutive terms, time has come for him to seek a "more senior" position.

Although, he did not mention the position he was eyeing, a section of the crowd shouted, “governor, governor" as he spoke.

Mwingi North MP Paul Nzengu and Kitui Deputy Governor Augustine Kanani at Kimu Primary School on Saturday.
Mwingi North MP Paul Nzengu and Kitui Deputy Governor Augustine Kanani at Kimu Primary School on Saturday.
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