North-Horr MP launches Sh70 million bursary fund

The Sh70 million programme aims to give Sh20,000 to each student in secondary school per year.

In Summary
  • The initiative, funded by the National Government Constituency Development Fund targets 3,000 students in secondary school and 7,800 students in colleges and universities.
  • Speaking during the launch, North-Horr MP Wario Guyo Adhe said the Wezesha Masomo programme will boost the primary-secondary transition rate and raise the standards of education in the constituency.
Kiharu mp Ndindi Nyoro with Governor Mohamud Ali, North-Horr mp Wario Guyo Adhe and former North-Horr MP Chachu Ganya during the launch of NG-CDF bursary fund on Saturday at Chalbi boys in Maikona
Kiharu mp Ndindi Nyoro with Governor Mohamud Ali, North-Horr mp Wario Guyo Adhe and former North-Horr MP Chachu Ganya during the launch of NG-CDF bursary fund on Saturday at Chalbi boys in Maikona

North-Horr MP Wario Guyo Adhe on Saturday launched an education programme dubbed "Wezesha Masomo" that will see parents pay only half of their children's fees annually.

The launch happened at Chalbi Boys in Maikona.

The initiative, funded by the National Government Constituency Development Fund targets 3,000 students in secondary school and 7,800 students in colleges and universities.

The Sh70 million programme aims to give Sh20,000 to each student in secondary school per year.

Speaking during the launch, North-Horr MP Wario Guyo Adhe said the Wezesha Masomo programme will boost the primary-secondary transition rate and raise the standards of education in the constituency.

He said he sent his entire CDF committees to the Kiharu constituency for benchmarking.

He described MP Ndindi Nyoro as his mentor in parliament, promising to ensure that no student in his constituency remains at home because of fees and he will continue supporting young learners to realize their dreams.

"Education is important to our children who are the future generation and they will support their parents to have decent life in old age," he said

The North-Horr MP said an educated workforce is the foundation of every community and the future of the economy, reiterating that investment in education always pays the highest return.

"I'm committed to enhancing the capacity of education and I believe in the transformative values of education in the community development." said the MP.

He reminded the constituents that it was their collective responsibility to secure a better future for their children that would guarantee more development opportunities for the community.

"Poverty is a major challenge in the progress of our region. The only way to bridge the gap is by ensuring that we educate our children," he said

He urged them to jealously guard learning institutions and nurture good behaviour in their children.

The MP revealed his plan to introduce digital learning in at least 6 schools in his constituency, saying the e-learning will create awareness of the future of work and impart students with the right skills to enable them to use technology to even access digital work opportunities.

While asking for support for his constituency, the MP said the last drought took away the community's livelihoods and they lost 85 per cent of their livestock.

He said people are facing serious food deficiencies in every corner of the vast constituency.

Marsabit Governor Mohamud Ali, Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, North-Horr mp Wario Guyo Adhe during the launch of NG-CDF bursary fund on Saturday at Chalbi boys in Maikona
Marsabit Governor Mohamud Ali, Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, North-Horr mp Wario Guyo Adhe during the launch of NG-CDF bursary fund on Saturday at Chalbi boys in Maikona

The chief guest, Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro, challenged Marsabit residents to take the education of their children seriously.

He said the children's future and that of the country depend on producing young people who can contribute positively to the growth of the nation.

"I urge Marsabit parents and guardians to invest in the education of their children to give them a strong foundation for prosperity," he said

The chairperson of the budget and Appropriations committee said children need to be provided not only with accessible but quality education.

He added that education is the only inheritance children can obtain from their parents.

He said the government is committed to ensuring that every child of a school-going age is in school.

"Education of a child is a secure investment and the parents need to finance the education of their children," he said

While commending the MP for focusing on education in his constituency, Kiharu MP said education was the key to success, development and empowerment.

He lauded the MP for using the National Government Constituency Development Fund to pay half of the annual fees for students in his constituency.

The MP revealed that President William Ruto's administration would roll out a restocking program that is meant to cushion livestock keepers from the deaths of their animals due to drought.

He also promised the construction of the Segel-Maikona road which was abandoned for seven months, saying the government would invest a substantial amount of money for the work to begin.

Sh70 million North-Horr NG-CDF bursary fund launched on Saturday at Chalbi boys in Maikona
Sh70 million North-Horr NG-CDF bursary fund launched on Saturday at Chalbi boys in Maikona

Marsabit Governor Mohamud Ali said over 1300 bright and needy students joining form one in Marsabit county have benefitted from a scholarship programme funded by the county government and in the North-Horr constituency.

He said since the inception of the program in 2018, 1129 students got scholarships and this year's 323 students benefitted from the county's education program.

"There is nothing greater than education since it is the equalizer and brings positive changes in the society," he said

He said, his administration was focused on ensuring that the standards of education in the county were improved by channelling more resources in the sector.

"My administration was committed to ensuring that all learners access education regardless of their background. Bright and needy students will have a chance to complete their education," said Governor Mohamud.

He asked parents to be keen and closely monitor the progress of their children and motivate them for better performance.

He commended the MP for complimenting the county's efforts in ensuring that no children were left behind on account of school fees.

The county boss rallied residents to support President William Ruto's administration as they are better placed to reap more from his development plan.

"As leaders, we have assured the president of our unwavering support so that we can move together as a country and change the fortunes of our people," he said

Governor Mohamud said it is time for the people in the region to realise that President Ruto means well for them.

He asked politicians to stop early campaigns and give elected leaders to deliver what they promised the electorates.

The governor said he was amazed by some leaders behaving as if the election is next year.

According to the governor, some of the local leaders have been engaging in the 2027 campaign relentlessly at the expense of development.

"There is nothing wrong with one dreaming for higher office but let us focus on delivering what we promised our people," he said

The county chief urged the leaders to hold their horses until 2026 when the country will be approaching the next general election.

Kiharu mp Ndindi Nyoro with North-Horr mp Wario Guyo Adhe during the launch of NG-CDF bursary fund on Saturday at Chalbi boys in Maikona
Kiharu mp Ndindi Nyoro with North-Horr mp Wario Guyo Adhe during the launch of NG-CDF bursary fund on Saturday at Chalbi boys in Maikona

"We just had an election recently and right now it is not the right time for leaders engaging in premature campaigns. Stick to your position that was elected and deliver to the electorates," said the county boss

The Governor urged the national government to support the county's plan to construct teachers training colleges before the next election.

He urged leaders to unite for the common good of the residents of the county, emphasizing the importance of unity among leaders for driving development in the region.

He reaffirmed his commitment to ensuring peace and security in the county and pledged to work towards fostering peace to achieve the good for the people.

Deputy Governor Solomon Gubo appealed to residents to uphold peace and resist any attempts to create a wedge among them.

"Let us shun ethnic differences. Unity and prosperity are the bedrock of progress and development," he said

He recognizes the elder's efforts in fostering peace and notes that the elders can fix the county's unity to everyone's satisfaction.

Former North MP Chachu Ganya made a promise during the launch that he would assist at least 400 students to pursue their secondary education through his Northern Kenya fund.

He commended the administration of Governor Mohamud Ali on the scholarship programme which benefitted hundreds of needy students.

The former MP declared his intention to run for governorship in 2027 and asked for his people's support.

Maikona resident Tume Gindole praised the MP for his focus on education that will see those from disadvantaged families attending their school.

She asked both county and national governments to provide relief food to the residents, saying they lost all their livelihoods to drought.

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