National fund will uplift living standards of PWDs, says Ojiambo

Ojiambo said NFDK is trying to ensure that the disabled get tools to help them in their work.

In Summary
  • Ojiambo officiated the donation of assorted devices and wheelchairs worth Sh2 million to PWDs from Garissa, Wajir and Mandera counties.
  • She also presented cheques worth Sh1.6 million to eight institutions for learners with disability in the region.
Professor Julia Ojiambo a trustee at the National fund for the disabled of Kenya speaking to the press in Garissa. With her is North Eastern regional commissioner John Otieno.
Professor Julia Ojiambo a trustee at the National fund for the disabled of Kenya speaking to the press in Garissa. With her is North Eastern regional commissioner John Otieno.

The National Fund for the Disabled of Kenya remains committed to uplifting the living standards of persons with disabilities.

This was said by Prof Julia Ojiambo, a trustee at the organisation, who called on Kenyans to continue showing the love and care for PWDs.

She spoke in Garissa where she officiated the donation of assorted devices and wheelchairs worth Sh2 million to PWDs from Garissa, Wajir and Mandera counties.

She also presented cheques worth Sh1.6 million to eight institutions for learners with disability in the region.

Professor Julia Ojiambo a trustee at the National fund for the disabled of Kenya,North Eastern regional commissioner John Otieno giving out a wheelchair to Abdi Mohamed a PWD from Garissa.
Professor Julia Ojiambo a trustee at the National fund for the disabled of Kenya,North Eastern regional commissioner John Otieno giving out a wheelchair to Abdi Mohamed a PWD from Garissa.

“As an organisation, we have over the years made tremendous progress in establishing specific social protection, economic empowerment and education programmes that directly support persons with disability,” Ojiambo said.

“What we do as an organisation is to make sure that the PWDs, parents or the guardians of the disabled children can earn a living for themselves through their skills and business kits we are providing them."

Ojiambo said NFDK is trying to ensure that the disabled get tools to help them in their work.

She called on parents to ensure children with disability receive the required medication and attend school to secure their future with knowledge and skills.

“The children who are supposed to receive treatment should be taken to the hospital for professional care. We discourage home care because sometimes a condition that can be improved with time by treatment may deteriorate and complicate chances of recovery for the child in future,” she said.

Professor Julia Ojiambo a trustee at the National fund for the disabled of Kenya presents a cheque to Wajir school for the deaf principle Fatuma Aden.With her is North Eastern regional commissioner John Otieno.
Professor Julia Ojiambo a trustee at the National fund for the disabled of Kenya presents a cheque to Wajir school for the deaf principle Fatuma Aden.With her is North Eastern regional commissioner John Otieno.

The fund has supported special schools in construction of classes, dormitories and dining halls to improve the life of students .

 “We want to make sure that every school need is achieved so that the pupils can learn without struggles,” Ojiambo said.

Northeastern regional commissioner John Otieno urged the beneficiaries to use the equipment donated to earn a living to economically sustain themselves.

He urged those who live with the disabled persons not to hide them but instead help them by ensuring they get education and other needs.

“I want to ask the parents of disabled children to stop hiding them at home due to disability stigma but instead enrol them in the special schools which will help them. This is because the disabled people are just like others and they have talents that need to be exploited,” he Otieno said.

Adan Bill Hassan,the chairman for persons with disability in Garissa county
Adan Bill Hassan,the chairman for persons with disability in Garissa county

Adan Hassan, the chairman for persons with disability in Garissa county, thanked the NFPD for donating tools to disabled persons.

“I would like to request people who have been given the working tools not to have greed and sell them, but use the tools for your own gain so that you can earn a living,” he said.

The items distributed included wheelchairs, welding kits, barber and solon equipment, farming tools and video cameras.

Some PWD who wanted goats instead of tools were given cheques of Sh20,000 each.

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