Bill banning muguka in Garissa to be passed this week

It introduces stringent measures on licensing and sale of the mild stimulant drug within designated areas.

In Summary
  • All nine sub-counties of Garissa county, except specified zones within Garissa town, would be subject to restrictions on muguka trade.
  • Borr, who sponsored the bill, said the ban on the sale, consumption and transportation of muguka in the nine sub-counties outside Garissa town was necessitated by a public outcry.
Sankuri MCA Abdirahman Borr, the sponsor of the bill
Sankuri MCA Abdirahman Borr, the sponsor of the bill

A bill proposing a ban on the sale of Muguka beyond designated areas in Garissa town is expected to be passed this week by the county assembly.

Sankuri MCA Abdirahman Borr said the bill introduces stringent measures on licensing and sale of the mild stimulant drug within designated areas in Garissa town. It will be published in the Kenya Gazette latest Friday.

Under the new legislation, all nine sub-counties of Garissa county, except specified zones within Garissa town, would be subject to restrictions on muguka trade.

"The bill that has the support of the entire house and by extension members of the public will be unanimously endorsed by Friday. We expect public participation to commence immediately after its publication,"Borr said.

Borr, who sponsored the bill, said the ban on the sale, consumption and transportation of muguka in the nine sub-counties outside Garissa town was necessitated by a public outcry on the negative effects of the crop on consumers.

Garissa County Assembly speaker Abdi Idle speaking to the press flanked by religious leaders on june 19th after a meeting.
Garissa County Assembly speaker Abdi Idle speaking to the press flanked by religious leaders on june 19th after a meeting.
Image: file

He said muguka has had a significant impact on pastoralists in areas outside Garissa town that were formerly devoid of addiction.

"Families are losing their livestock to wild animal attacks due to the neglect of young herders who are addicted to muguka. The drug has reached remote areas that are free from drug consumption. It is a real disaster that requires urgent intervention.”

He said students in primary and secondary schools were getting lured into muguka abuse, leading to a high rate of school dropouts.

Recently, religious leaders from Garissa met members of the county assembly and its leadership led by speaker Abdi Idle and clerk Mohamed Santur to urge them to fast-track the bill.

The religious leaders highlighted the negative effects of the drug among the youth.

Assembly speaker Idle said the assembly  recommend a proposal to seek the county government's support for those involved in the trade to have alternative sources of income.

Garissa County Assembly Majority leader Mohamed Abdi speaking durring the meeting with religious leaders.
Garissa County Assembly Majority leader Mohamed Abdi speaking durring the meeting with religious leaders.
Image: file

Idle cited a programme by the Mandera county government targeting miraa traders that seeks alternative small-scale business in a bid to end the trade before a ban was imposed.

Garissa Governor Nathif Jama recently said his administration was making the necessary consultations before coming up with a common stand on the mild stimulant.

“While I appreciate the moves made by our colleagues in Mombasa and other coastal counties, I must say that we are also making the necessary consultations with our clerics, assembly, elders and other stakeholders so that we can eventually come up with a concrete final decision on this matter."

Jama said the reason for making wider consultations was to ensure that once the ban is implemented, it has the support of all stakeholders.

Mombasa, Kilifi and Taita Taveta governors have banned the entry, transportation, distribution, sale and use of muguka within their counties.

However, the ban was temporarily suspended by the High Court in Embu, as the debate for and against the product raged.

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