Food security

WFP partners with Wajir county to launch water project

The project includes a freshly outfitted 25 cubic metre per hour borehole and a solar-powered water reticulation system.

In Summary

•Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi thanked WFP for their tireless to improve food security, noting that partnerships with NGOs are encouraged for resilience building.

•The sector faces challenges such as low and unsynchronised production, pest and disease infestation and inadequate adoption of climate-resilient practices.

The Representative and Country Director WFP Kenya- Lauren Landis speaking during the launch of BullaGows irrigation and water supply project.
The Representative and Country Director WFP Kenya- Lauren Landis speaking during the launch of BullaGows irrigation and water supply project.

The World Food Programme and the Wajir government have started a large-scale irrigation and water delivery project in Bullagows.

The project includes a freshly outfitted 25 cubic metre per hour borehole and a solar-powered water reticulation system.

Speaking at the handing-over ceremony, WFP representative and country director Lauren Landis commended those who made the project a success, saying it will boost crop production.

“I want to commend all the teams the engineers. Our programmes team and the county government worked tirelessly to make this programme a success,” she said.

The Representative and Country Director WFP Kenya- Lauren Landis and Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi looking at water flowing from the borehole during the launch of BullaGows irrigation and water supply project in Wajir West.
The Representative and Country Director WFP Kenya- Lauren Landis and Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi looking at water flowing from the borehole during the launch of BullaGows irrigation and water supply project in Wajir West.

She encouraged residents to take advantage of the abundant sunshine in the area.

“By bringing all this together we increase the food production for humans and animals. So we have better health and nutrition, improved agriculture and animal health. WFP will continue to partner and work closely with the county government to bring out the best,” she said.

Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi thanked WFP for their tireless to improve food security, noting that partnerships with NGOs are encouraged for resilience building.

He said the time has come for a change of mindset. Statistics indicate only 25 per cent engage in crop production on a small-scale basis, while 75 per cent practice pastoralism.


Residents of BullaGows in Wajir West fetch water from a borehole on Saturday. The project was officially launched by the Representative and Country Director WFP Kenya- Lauren Landis.
Residents of BullaGows in Wajir West fetch water from a borehole on Saturday. The project was officially launched by the Representative and Country Director WFP Kenya- Lauren Landis.

The county has initiated measures to encourage farmers to engage in large-scale crop production which is slowly gaining momentum. 

Governor Abdullahi said his administration has made significant efforts to create markets and market linkages, align development partners' activities, and enhance the legal and regulatory framework.

The sector faces challenges such as low and unsynchronised production, pest and disease infestation and inadequate adoption of climate-resilient practices.

Climate change, extreme weather conditions, and insufficient demand for local goods further complicate these challenges.

To mitigate these, the Wajir government has initiated key measures to support agriculture. This includes establishing large-scale farms, each about 5,000 acres, to enhance crop production and ensure food security.

“To fully support our farmers, my administration has increased the agriculture docket’s budget from Ksh 45 million to Ksh 300 million, with support from development partners,” he said.


The Representative and Country Director WFP Kenya- Lauren Landis ,Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi and other officials during the launch of BullaGows irrigation and water supply project in Wajir West.
The Representative and Country Director WFP Kenya- Lauren Landis ,Wajir Governor Ahmed Abdullahi and other officials during the launch of BullaGows irrigation and water supply project in Wajir West.

“The county has implemented several sustainable agricultural practices, including a priority value chain approach for crop development, ensuring reliable access to farm inputs, and strengthening farmers' cooperatives,” he added.

As part of the Climate Resilience and Sustainable Food Systems Programme, a borehole was restored, outfitted, and solarized in preparation for irrigation in 2021.

It included the installation of an elevated 75 cubic metre steel tank and the fencing, ploughing, and laying out of a 5-acre farm for basin irrigation of onions, watermelon, and capsicum.


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