Security personnel recover six missing cows in Isiolo

The recovered animals were part of 100 cows stolen by rustlers who killed a herdsman

In Summary
  • Isiolo police boss said the cattle rustling incident was reported at Isiolo police station on Sunday and police  deployed to counter the raid.
  • He said about 30 armed men invaded the homestead of a resident of Kambi Garba, killed a herder and drove away about 100 cows towards Samburu.
Isiolo police boss, Moses Mutisya, speaking to journalists who paid him a courtesy call in his office.
Isiolo police boss, Moses Mutisya, speaking to journalists who paid him a courtesy call in his office.
Image: KNA

A joint security operation led to the recovery of six cows stolen by bandits at Kambi-Garba, Isiolo, on Sunday.

The recovered animals were part of 100 cows stolen by rustlers who killed a herdsman.

Isiolo police boss, Moses Mutisya, said that policemen drawn from the Kenya Police Service, Anti-Stock-Theft Unit (ASTU), General Service (GSU) Rapid Deployment Unit (RDU), and the National Police Reservist (NPR) were rapidly dispatched to track down the rustlers and the animals.

“A cattle rustling incident was reported at Isiolo police station on Sunday, and police were deployed to counter the raid recovering six animals," Mutisya said.

He said about 30 armed men invaded the homestead of a resident of Kambi Garba, killed a herder, and drove away about 100 cows towards Samburu.

The police boss warned the rustlers,, saying the government would deal with them to protect the lives and property of the citizens.

 “I have contacted my counterparts to facilitate a coordinated operation in an effort to counter the cattle rustlers and recover the stolen livestock,”  Mutisya said.

He said through a collaboration among the security teams from Meru, Samburu, Marsabit, and part of Rift Valley counties, the operation to curb cattle rustling in the area will bear fruit and the remaining animals will be recovered.

Mutisya said the Isiolo security team is working closely with elected leaders to effectively deal with security matters in the county.

He urged members of the public to be on the lookout for any suspicious security occurrences and urgently report to police. 

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