Isiolo women reap big after venturing into modern horticultural farming

Frequent droughts swept away hundreds of livestock, living the pastoralist communities destitute.

In Summary

•The Lokipoto Women Group, comprising 50 women from the Turkana community, prudently employ the drip irrigation method to water their crops on the five-acre parcel located 40kms outside Isiolo town.

•Their story is one filled with sheer hard work, focus and a determination 

Isiolo Governor Abdi Guyo
Isiolo Governor Abdi Guyo

A group of women in Isiolo county are reaping the fruits of their hard work after venturing into modern horticultural farming in Attan village.

The Lokipoto Women Group, comprising 50 women from the Turkana community, prudently employ drip irrigation to water their crops on the five-acre parcel 40kms outside Isiolo.

Their story is one filled with sheer hard work, focus and a determination to succeed.

The group’s chairperson Lucy Ekwam said they tried horticulture after the ever-changing weather patterns rendered livestock production unviable.

Frequent droughts swept away hundreds of livestock, living the pastoralist communities destitute.

“When we came together one year ago, it never dawned on us how far we would go because it was the first initiative in the region,” she said.

Lucy said the development has immensely benefited various households.

Apart from addressing malnutrition, they can now earn money by selling vegetables at Ngaremara shopping centre and Isiolo town.

“At first ours was just a shared vision and nothing more, ” Ekwam said.

They shared the concept with Governor Abdi Guyo and requested for funds.

“To our surprise the governor quickly accepted our idea and guaranteed us funds,” she said.

“Governor Guyo organised the harambee which was attended by Isiolo North MP Joseph Samal and the County Woman Representative Mumina Bonaya . A total of Sh17 million was raised for different women groups our included,” she said.

Ekwam said they were fortunate enough to get readily available markets in Ngaremara, Achas and Isiolo town.

Some of their produce include spinach, kale, tomatoes, onions, green grammes and carrots.

There is plenty of land available to the group for expansion but a lack of capital to lay the crucial infrastructure has been the biggest hindrance so far.

With further difficulties in tackling insects, the women have requested the county to provide herbicides, pesticides and extension services.

“We will not get tired to ask our leaders for financial support expansion means doing more piping. Then there is the aspect of fencing. But I am sure our leaders will be more than willing to support us produce more  because we have proved that we can,” she said.

Christine Echwa, a member, said empowering women was the sure way to address poverty.

“I honestly want to take this opportunity to thank our leaders for coming through for us and making sure our dream and that of other women groups is realised. The funds were a good start-up capital for various business ventures,” she said.

The women said they received seedlings, fertiliser and some training from the county’s Department of Agriculture.

They advised women who are yet to join and register their groups to move with speed and do so, adding that both government and non-governmental actors would find it extremely difficult to help people at individual level.

In a separate interview, Isiolo Governor Abdi Guyo said women empowerment is essential and has a positive impact.

"Earlier last year I joined other leaders to fundraise and secured an economic financial support to help in alleviating poverty. I am pleased that the groups are reaping the profit,” the Governor said. 

"Empowering women and youth allows them to control and benefit from resources assets and income.  I am glad that hundreds of the beneficiaries are reaping," the Governor added.

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