Garissa MCAs protest failure to relocate traders outside assembly

They accused the county of bias in the allocation of stalls in the newly opened market

In Summary
  • Three weeks ago Garissa Governor Nathif Jama officially opened the new market paving way for its occupation.
  • Modogashe MCA Mahat Osman castigated the county government wondering how the traders who occupy stalls outside the assembly have also not be given priority.
Modogashe MCA Mahat Osman contributing to the debate on the floor of the house.
Modogashe MCA Mahat Osman contributing to the debate on the floor of the house.

The debate on the allocation of the new stalls in the newly built Garissa market found its way to the assembly with the county administration being on the receiving end.

The MCAs who were contributing to the response of a statement sought by their nominated counterpart Ayan Mohamed, accused the county of bias in the allocation of stalls.

Three weeks ago, Garissa Governor Nathif Jama officially opened the market on Posta road paving way for its occupation.

However, the exercise has been marred by controversy.

Business stalls outside the Garissa County Assembly.
Business stalls outside the Garissa County Assembly.

Ayan lashed out at the authorities for ignoring structures erected near the assembly saying they not only pose a security risk but in the event of a fire outbreak, it would be difficult to control it.

Modogashe MCA Mahat Osman castigated the county government wondering how the traders outside the assembly have not be given priority.

He said the stalls were an eyesore and a den for street children. He called on the county government to move with speed and demolish the illegal stalls and allocate them new spaces.

“The other day the governor opened the market and was categorical that the exercise would be carried out with utmost transparency,” he said.

“Now we have these group of small scale traders that are right in front of the assembly. Surely wasn’t it only right that they are also given stalls in the market?  Truth be told where they are occupying is part of a road reserve that also been earmarked for expansion,” Osman said.

Another nominated MCA Dekow Mohamed said, “It is illogical for the assembly to debate about roadside businesses when the second arm of the government is in such appalling conditions. How can we talking about relocation of traders to a new site when our own institution has been surrounded by the same traders and yet they were not considered.”

Two weeks ago, traders held peaceful demonstrations accusing the county of discrimination.

The newly opened Garissa market situated along posta road.
The newly opened Garissa market situated along posta road.

Led by Amina Mohamed, they demanded fairness in allocation of stalls.

This led to the governor holding a consultative meeting with the traders' leaders.

The market can accommodate 500 traders.

It was put up by former Governor Ali Korane in 2018 to stop traders from blocking busy roads in Garissa town.

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