Red Cross embarks on early disaster preparedness in North Eastern

The region experienced natural disasters, including floods and drought that claimed lives and destroyed property.

In Summary

•Speaking at a Garissa hotel during a media workshop for Garissa-based journalists, North Eastern region Kenya Red Cross chairman Abdinoor Ole Hussein asked journalists to create public awareness and provide real-time coverage of rescue and relief efforts.

•And with the forthcoming  October-December rains, all eyes will be on Garissa County.

Garissa based journalists during the training that was organized by the kenya red cross.
Garissa based journalists during the training that was organized by the kenya red cross.

The Kenya Red Cross-Garissa branch has embarked on early disaster preparedness ahead of the short rains that have always been characterised by death, displacement and destruction of property.

The region experienced natural disasters, including floods and drought that claimed lives and destroyed property.

During the March-April rain, farmers incurred huge losses after the River Tana burst its banks and marooned their farms.

On Wednesday, the humanitarian agency emphasised the important role played by journalists during disasters, hence the need to equip them with first aid skills to respond to tragedies.


North Eastern region Kenya Red Cross chairman Abdinoor Ole Hussein speaking to the press.With him is Garissa County KRC coordinator Daud Ahmed.
North Eastern region Kenya Red Cross chairman Abdinoor Ole Hussein speaking to the press.With him is Garissa County KRC coordinator Daud Ahmed.

Speaking at a Garissa hotel during a media workshop for Garissa-based journalists, North Eastern region Kenya Red Cross chairman Abdinoor Ole Hussein asked journalists to create public awareness and provide real-time coverage of rescue and relief efforts.

“During natural disasters, journalists and news organisations play important roles with the duty to report—and sometimes warn—as well as examine the causes and consequences of the events. So it is important to have you on board,” Hussein said.

And with the forthcoming  October-December rains, all eyes will be on Garissa County.

Hussein said reporting should not only be confined to response and recovery but members of the public should be informed beforehand. He challenged journalists to remain pro-active.


Grace Waigumo,the KRC Communication officer
Grace Waigumo,the KRC Communication officer

Daud Ahmed, the Kenya Red Cross Garissa branch coordinator, said disaster committees have already been activated to create awareness.

"Our disaster risk reduction teams have already been dispatched to several sub-counties in Garissa to activate the ward committees to alert the public about La Niña," Daud said.

He further said their teams have been advising pastoralists to sell their large stock of animals and restock them during the rainy seasons when there will be plenty of water and pasture.

He said the lack of community-managed disaster risk reduction in the past largely contributed to the loss of livelihoods.

Daud said the Kenya Red Cross is helping the local farmers to grow bamboo trees to stabilize river banks and restore degraded farming land along the River Tana.

Daud Ahmed , the Kenya Red Cross Garissa branch coordinator
Daud Ahmed , the Kenya Red Cross Garissa branch coordinator

Issa Hussein, a veteran journalist with Eastleigh Voice, commended the humanitarian agency for organising training, saying the role played in disaster management cannot be overemphasised.

“As journalists you have been instrumental to us, feeding us with accurate information and data needed when disasters strike. Our collaboration has been of significant help to members of the public,” Issa said.


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