I rejected ODM certificate, says Midiwo

Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo addresses residents at Wagai, April 14, 2017. /LAMECK BARAZA
Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo addresses residents at Wagai, April 14, 2017. /LAMECK BARAZA

Gem MP Jakoyo Midiwo has claimed that ODM top brass offered him a nomination certificate to defend his seat on condition he backs down from supporting Rarieda MP Nicholas Gumbo’s Siaya governor bid.

Midiwo says the party’s echelons prevailed upon him twice.

“They called me in Nairobi and persuaded me to take the Gem parliamentary seat ticket, but I rejected on condition that Gumbo too be given his,” he said.

The National Assembly deputy minority leader said he told them off, saying he could not betray Gumbo.

Midiwo was speaking in Bondo town on Friday. He was with Gumbo and Siaya woman rep aspirant Florence Aluodo.

The three ditched ODM and are running as independents.

Gumbo claimed his victory was stolen and given to incumbent Cornel Rasanga, while Midiwo was rigged out in favour of Elisha Odhiambo. He said Aluodo’s certificate was given to incumbent Christine Ombaka.

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