Kibos Sugar pollution case ruling in September

In February, Nema shut two plants at the company following complaints by residents about pollution

In Summary

• Petitioners said their right to clean environment guaranteed in the Constitution had been violated.

• Firm is accused of discharging effluent into river that serves thousands of residents.

A section of River Kibos
POLLUTED: A section of River Kibos

A Kisumu court will deliver judgment in September in a case in which Kibos Sugar is sued  by residents over massive pollution of River Kibos and its surroundings.

Justice Stephen Kibunja of Kisumu Environment court said on Tuesday the company will know the decision on September 25.

Residents Benson Adega, Eric Ochieng’ and Bether Opiyo filed the case last year  seeking orders to stop the company from pouring effluent into the river that is the main source of water for thousands of people.

Kibos Sugar and Allied Industries Ltd is listed as the first respondent together with Kibos Power Limited, Kibos Distillers Limited, Nema and the Kisumu county government.

The petitioners said their right to clean environment as guaranteed in the Constitution had been violated by the actions of the respondents.

They said the environmental impact assessment license for Kibos Sugar factory was acquired illegally.

On October 31 last year, Justice Kibunja granted interim orders stopping the company from milling sugar cane, producing power and distilling alcohol pending hearing of the case.

But the company appealed the decision in an Eldoret court and received orders to continue operating.

In February, the National Environment Management Authority shut down two plants at the company following complaints by residents about pollution.

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