Oparanya donates 120,000kg of maize seed to farmers

Governor says subsidised inputs initiative has led to an increase in production

In Summary
  • Oparanya said the event was taking place simultaneously in the 12 subcounties to enable the beneficiaries plant on time.
  • He said the subsidised inputs initiative has led to an increase in maize production from 2 million 90kg bags in 2014 to the current 2.8 million bags.


Farmers plant maize in Cherangany, Trans Nzoia county.
PLANTING AT LAST: Farmers plant maize in Cherangany, Trans Nzoia county.
Image: FILE

The Kakamega county government has donated 120,000 kilogrammes of maize seed to poor households.

To compliment the county's donation, Western Seed Company gave out 24,000 packets of 1kg, Pannar and Pioneer gave 990 packets  of 1kg while the national government supplied 16,655 assorted fruit seedlings.

Speaking while presiding over the exercise at the county headquarters on Tuesday, Governor Wycliffe Oparanya said the event was taking place simultaneously in the 12 subcounties to enable the beneficiaries plant on time.

He said under the subsidy programme, they procured 150,000 bags of 25kg each for planting and a similar quantity of top dressing fertiliser as well as 156,000 of 2kg packets of maize seed.

 “The farmers pay 60 per cent while the county meets 40 per cent of the overall cost of the inputs and we expect to raise about Sh300 million in revenue,” said the governor, adding that those who registered have been collecting their stocks at the stores.

He lamented that despite the county being endowed with fertile soils and favourable climate, it is food insecure with 40 per cent food poverty.

Oparanya disclosed that the subsidised inputs initiative has led to an increase in maize production from 2 million 90kg bags in 2014 to the current 2.8 million bags.

He said they have set aside Sh25 million this fiscal year for the revitalisation of the cooperatives to achieve effective storage and marketing of the farm produce.

The governor pointed out that Sh18 million would be given out as grants to 40 cooperatives across the county while Sh5 million would go to building the capacity of the officials for efficient management of the societies.

-Edited by Sarah Kanyara


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