BETWEEN SH4,000-SH10,000

Students in Homa Bay get Sh1.5 million bursaries

The 300 beneficiaries from various secondary schools were stranded for lack of school fees

In Summary

•Businessman and Homa Bay county secretary Isaiah Ogwe funded the students’ school fees using funds generated from hotel businesses he owns in Homa Bay.

•Ogwe who is eyeing Homa Bay gubernatorial seat said the programme should not be politicised because he began it in 1994 and it is done annually.

Homa Bay county secretary Isaiah Ogwe speaks to beneficiaries at Osiri in Homa Bay town on January 2.
Homa Bay county secretary Isaiah Ogwe speaks to beneficiaries at Osiri in Homa Bay town on January 2.

Students from vulnerable families in Homa Bay have benefited from Sh1.5million bursaries. 

The 300 beneficiaries from various secondary schools were stranded due to a lack of school fees. 

Businessman and Homa Bay county secretary Isaiah Ogwe gave them bursaries ranging between Sh4,000 to Sh10,000.

Ogwe funded the students’ school fees using funds generated from hotel businesses he owns in Homa Bay.

Speaking when he disbursed the cheques at Osiri in Homa Bay, Ogwe said the desire to undertake the programme was aimed at promoting education by supporting financially challenged parents to pay school fees.

“Some of these students are bright but their guardians or parents are unable to pay their fees. It is important to support such students because they are the people who will transform our society in future,” Ogwe said.

Ogwe who is eyeing Homa Bay gubernatorial seat said the programme should not be politicised because he began it in 1994 and it is done annually.

“The programme began with less than 100 students but the number has grown to 300 students due to parents’ difficulties in paying school fees,” he said.

“Instead of politicising the project, we should get ways of helping the needy people we have in our midst. The programme will continue whether I am elected a governor or not.” 

He said he had realised that bursary funds issued by the National Government Constituency Development Fund, National Government Affirmative Action Fund and the county government were not enough.

He promised to increase the county government bursary allocation from the current Sh2.5million per ward to Sh10million should he get elected as governor.

“Education is the foundation of economic development and must be given utmost priority,” Ogwe said.

The students led by Zipporah John from Dudi Girls Secondary School in Kabondo Kasipul constituency said the funds had motivated them to work hard.

“The support has given me ample time to concentrate on my studies without being sent back home for school fees,” Zipporah said.

John Oriko, a parent from Karachuonyo constituency whose child benefited said the programme has relieved them at a time many businesses have not fully recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic.

“The money has assisted me greatly to pay my son’s school fees. The programme should continue because it helps many parents,” Oriko said.

Edited by Kiilu Damaris

Some of the beneficiaries.
Some of the beneficiaries.
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