The government has put in place stringent measures and assured that the distributions of Junior Secondary School learning materials reach all schools across the country before the end of the week.
Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development chief executive Officer Charles Ong’ondo said schools had already received a consignment containing three sets of the books.
The textbooks include health education, agriculture and physical education.
He said the books are being issued to students across the country and assured that the government will supply all the books in all learning areas.
"No child should be sent home supposedly to buy textbooks. With time we are going to approve any other complementary materials to the schools,”
Ong’ondo said in collaboration with Ministry of Education officials they were tracking the remaining books to ensure they are delivered on time.
He said the rollout exercise had started smoothly and all the agencies involved were on the ground to address any emerging challenges.
He spoke in Kisumu during the distribution exercise at Migosi Junior High Secondary School.
Ong’ondo said was monitoring the exercise adding that a review shall be conducted in February to assess any additional learning materials required to facilitate a smooth transition.
He asked parents who have moved their children to different schools to notify the respective education offices of the changes to ensure that every school receives enough books.
The CEO also cautioned teachers against charging extra levies asking them to negotiate with parents and agree on how to procure uniforms and other requirements.
“As you have seen the school has accepted children with their old uniforms. They have new uniforms but they have told the parents that they can buy that gradually, so let no parent hold a child at home because they don’t have a new uniform,” he said.
He also said the Teachers Service Commission was in the process of deploying teachers to Junior Secondary calling on the respective heads to assess the qualifications and skills of teachers in primary and allow those qualified to assist in the rollout.
For technical subjects, Ong’ondo asked school heads to liaise with their Senior Secondary School counterparts to allow students access to laboratories and technical learning as measures to stabilize the JSS continue.
On Monday a spot check by the Star in various schools in the county established that the exercise went on smoothly as many parents took their Grade 7 children for admissions.
The school administrators however raised concerns over looming infrastructure and facilities challenges in the wake of the high number of learners they expect in the coming days.
For instance, at Nyamasaria Primary School in Kisumu East, learners were trooping in with the administration expecting to enrol about 300 Junior Secondary students.
Out of the number transiting to JSS, 250 are originally from the school while the remaining 50 were transferred from other neighbouring schools that did not meet the JSS admission criteria
The school headteacher Elly Ondiek said despite a few challenges, the JSS admission took off to a smooth start.
At Rabuor Primary School in Nyando constituency, more JSS students are expected to report from the initial 146 targeted.
The school headteacher Dickson Awuonda said that apart from the projected number of students others are still making requests for admission.
He said out of 146 learners, 123 have reported so far and they expect to receive the others who placed their request to join the school JSS.
“I am seeing our projected number of 146 swelling up to around over 200 students,” he said
As a temporary measure, he said the school has made arrangements to put the JSS learners on the current pupils' feeding programme as they look for ways to engage parents on a permanent solution.