Kakamega water firm picks new CEO

Maloba takes over from Eng Abdikadir Mohammed who has proceeded on terminal leave pending expiry of his contract on April 30.

In Summary

• The board appointed Maloba on March 22.

• But on March 31, Mohammed sent a notice to staff informing them that he was still in office until the expiry of his contract.

New KACWASCO acting CEO Joseck Maloba, board chairman Boaz Bulimu and water and sanitation chief officer Jessinder Wesonga
New KACWASCO acting CEO Joseck Maloba, board chairman Boaz Bulimu and water and sanitation chief officer Jessinder Wesonga

The Kakamega County Water and Sanitation Company has appointed Eng Joseck Maloba as acting chief executive officer.

Until his appointment, Maloba was the county chief officer of technical services.

Maloba takes over from Eng Abdikadir Mohammed who has proceeded on terminal leave pending expiry of his three-year contract on April 30.

The board appointed Maloba on March 22.

But on March 31, Mohammed sent a notice to staff informing them that he was still in office until the expiry of his contract.

“My attention is drawn to a notice sent to all staff dated March 30, 2023. The managing director was recruited through a competitive process and is legally in office as per the laws of the land. This is to inform all that I am fully in office till the expiry of my contract,” the memo read.

Maloba was unveiled during a meeting between the company board chaired by Boas Bulimu at the company's boardroom on Tuesday.

The meeting was also attended by county principal legal officer Christabell Ashiono and water and sanitation chief officer Jessinder Wesonga.

New KACWASCO CEO Joseck Maloba is received by board chairman Boaz Bulumu at the company's boardroom on Tuesday
New KACWASCO CEO Joseck Maloba is received by board chairman Boaz Bulumu at the company's boardroom on Tuesday

Maloba promised that his leadership will focus on service delivery.

He said it was time to turn the company around in provision of quality water supply and sanitation services to Kakamega residents.

“We will not engage in sideshows at the expense of service delivery. For the time I will be around, my agenda will be provision of quality services and serving our people," Maloba said.

He asked staff to share ideas that will make the company better.

"My office is open for consultations and sharing ideas. I will bring everybody on board because our main goal is to work as a team to achieve our mandate as a company," Maloba said.

Bulimu promised that the board of directors will give the new CEO full support to steer the company to success.

"As the board of directors, we have full faith in Maloba and I want to assure him of our unwavering support as he performs his duties," Bulimu said.

Wesonga asked all staff to remain focused on their work.

"As a ministry, we have set targets. To achieve these targets we need every person to focus on his or her duties and perform them diligently," she said.

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