
SDA church, EACC launch book to guide integrity teaching in schools

The ceremony was witnessed by the Western region EACC manager Abraham Kemboi.


Nyanza21 April 2023 - 13:44

In Summary

  • According to Misiani, the curriculum will be used in all the SDA schools and others the church sponsors across the country as a pilot project.
  • "We have developed two books to train the children of this country to be people of integrity," he said.
President of the West Kenya Union Conference of the Seventh Day Adventists pastor Samuel Misiani ( left) and EACC regional manager Western region Abraham Kemboi during the launch of a book that will be used to train young learners as integrity champions in all SDA schools and others the church sponsors in Kisumu on Thursday.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission(EACC) and the Seventh Day Adventists West Kenya Union Conference have launched a book that will guide teaching about the integrity of pupils.

The curriculum which was developed through the partnership between the Anti-Corruption Commission and the West Kenya Union Conference was launched in Kisumu on Thursday by pastor Samuel Misiani ( the president of the West Kenya Union Conference of the Seventh Day Adventists).

The ceremony was witnessed by the Western region EACC manager Abraham Kemboi.

The curriculum is titled "Raising Integrity Champions".

According to Misiani, the curriculum will be used in all the SDA schools and others the church sponsors across the country as a pilot project.

"We have developed two books to train the children of this country to be people of integrity," he said.

"We want Kenya to have honest people. People who serve with integrity. Education should develop a whole person," he said.

In the years to come, he said the church hopes its contributions will have helped in transforming Kenya into a country that espouses integrity.

He noted that the SDA church has sponsored several schools.

The church, therefore, hopes the Ministry of Education will look at the curriculum they have developed together with the EACC to shape the integrity of the learner and pick what could be adopted.

"The Ministry of Education will be reached through this collaboration. There is a national platform- Kenya Integrity Forum where all stakeholders converge. We hope to have the discussion there," he said.

He said the curriculum will help in raising children whose integrity is not questionable.

"We hope to use this guidebook to raise up a generation of impeccable character," he said

" Integrity is the ability to put God first in everything you do. We must now shift focus into raising dependable children who can be champions of integrity."

He said Kenya needs to mould children who will become men and women who can be trusted with responsibility at the workplace, and in whatever position of leadership they may hold in the future in the communities.

"This must look into the future and work on the upbringing of people who the country can be proud of," pastor Misiani added.

The two books developed through the collaboration target to reach all young Kenyans across the country in the future if adopted by the Kenya Institute of curriculum development (KICD)

"We need prosperity, not for a few as we are currently witnessing in the country because of corruption. Prosperity should be for all," the pastor noted.

"Teachers are also encouraged to use the books to mould learners who embrace integrity as a virtue." 

The book will be piloted in 15 counties covered by the West Kenya Union Conference of the Seventh Day Adventists. The initiative began in 2016.

Pastor Misiani said Integrity is the medicine the country needs to treat most of the problems affecting society.

The main objectives of the curriculum will be to prevent acts of atrocities and nurture the young to be people of integrity.

The union and EACC have undertaken to deliver five goals that need to be achieved by rolling out the curriculum in the SDA schools and others they sponsor.

If approved by the Kenya Institute of curriculum development, It can be used in all schools.

During the pilot period, targeted schools will establish integrity clubs in all SDA schools and others the church sponsors.

President of the West Kenya Union Conference of the Seventh Day Adventists pastor Samuel Misiani ( left) and EACC regional manager Western region Abraham Kemboi during the launch of a book that will be used to train young learners as integrity champions in all SDA schools and others the church sponsors in Kisumu on Thursday.

Integrity Champions Awards will also be introduced to honour and reward the champions during their graduation.

The graduands will then be used to mentor others. It will take 34 weeks to go through the program.

"We have begun implementing integrity programmes in our schools. We don't tolerate corruption as a church," he said.

"Even among our staff and also in the manner that hired them. If we find that you are corrupt, we have internal mechanisms to deal with you as a church," he said.

The EACC Western region regional manager Abraham Kemboi said the aim is to raise men and women of integrity.

Kemboi said the war against corruption is a complicated and vicious one that can only be won with the collaboration of all stakeholders.

"This guidebook will be used in Kenya if the Kenya Institute of curriculum development (KICD) find it useful," he said.

He said the institute will have the opportunity to look at it and vet whether it can be adopted in mainstream school learning set-up.

"If this document can assist in alleviating graft in Kenya, then I see no reason why it can't be adopted by the institute," he said.

Kemboi noted that as a country, we have lowered the virtue of integrity.

This he noted has had adverse effects.

Corruption is a costly affair to the economy of our country," he said.

"Corruption is now everywhere, even in churches," he added.

He said the Church is the best platform/ forum to deliver messages of intolerance to corruption.

"The problems we witness stem from ignoring the ten commandments. Now we're forced to use the law to deal with some of these vices," Kemboi said.

He said the commission wants the church to be its ambassadors in the war against corruption.

"If this initiative can succeed in the SDA schools and others they sponsor then the KICD may be interested in it.

He said the program seeks to create an integrity club curriculum.

"We want to inculcate a culture of integrity. We want to develop integrity in the character of our children to avoid corruption," he said.

He noted that EACC works closely with the church to ensure anti-corruption Programs and messages reach the public.

The regional manager pointed out that all is not lost although the vice is deeply entrenched in the country.

"We want to nurture our children into the path of righteousness. We anticipate that through this initiative, we will have a critical mass of Kenyans who will resist the temptation to be corrupt in the future," he said.

The EACC officer proposed that moving forward, the focus should be on encouraging a lifestyle that values integrity.

He at the same assured the residents of Siaya, Kisumu and Vihiga that the commission will recover all public funds embezzled by their counties.

"I want you to know that we will recover all your money stolen from your counties," he said.

" Those who took away your resources will pay back three times what they stole."

In Kisumu, he said the commission has stepped up efforts to recover all grabbed public spaces.

"In Kibuye and Railway area of Kisumu, there are people who grabbed public land. We are in the process of recovering such land," he said.

He however appealed to the church and other stakeholders to partner with EACC to be able to win in the war against graft

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