Three dead in Homa Bay as floods wreak havoc in Nyanza

The most affected areas are within Kisumu East constituency, which have over 725 families affected.

In Summary
  • In the neighbouring East Kolwa location, the floods affected homes adjacent to River Auji and Nyamasaria, which broke their banks.

  • Area chief Otieno Kabisai said the water surrounded most of the homes, making it difficult for others to access their houses.

A woman wades through the floods in Kolwa, Kisumu East constituency, following heavy downpour over the weekend.
RAGING FLOODS: A woman wades through the floods in Kolwa, Kisumu East constituency, following heavy downpour over the weekend.
A family in Kolwa carry their seats from their marooned home.
DEADLY FLOODS: A family in Kolwa carry their seats from their marooned home.

The heavy rains that have been pounding various parts of Nyanza region have left three people dead in Homabay county, with other 1,000 people affected in Kisumu.

Several properties were destroyed after homes were marooned by water as others submerged.

In Hombay county, a couple was struck by lightning in their house on Sunday night.

According to the police commander Samson Kine, Josphat Otieno, 34, and his wife Jael Anyango, 28,  were trying to salvage some of their properties that were submerged in floods following the heavy rains when tragedy struck. 

Traders were also not left behind as they counted various loses after the raging floods destroyed their goods and property.

More than 70 traders from Soko Mjinga market were affected, with some of their stalls swept away.

They called on the county government to open up drainage systems around the area for easy flow of water to prevent such losses every rainy season.

Elsewhere in Karachuonyo, a 34-year-old man Fred Otieno was swept away by the raging floods on his way home near Kodero beach. He was walking against the currents when he was swept away.

Otieno's body was found near the shores of Lake Victoria.

In Kisumu county, several people were displaced and houses marooned in water after River Mahenya broke its banks, affecting people in Ofunyu village within Kisumu East constituency.

The waters flooded nearby farms, destroying crops and property.

The affected families were forced to spend the night in the cold as they made every effort to salvage their property.

The most affected areas are within Kisumu East constituency, which have more than 725 families affected.

In Nyando, 250 families were affected in Kabonyo Kanyagwal, while in Nyalenda B, 50 families were affected, and in south west Kisumu, 30 families.

According to the chief officer public communication and governance John Oywa, already the county government is mapping the affected area, and has come up with a list of needs. 

He said that once the items have been purchased, the food and non-food items will be distributed at the evacuation centres on Wednesday.

In Central Kolwa, the most affected areas include Bwanda, Kamuga, Akado and Oyola villages.

Area chief Elijah Omumbo told the Star on Monday that a local river broke its banks, causing the overflow to the neighbouring villages and submerged many homes.

He said no life was lost as a result of drowning following the calamity, even as they continue to asses the situation.

In the neighbouring East Kolwa location, the floods affected homes adjacent to River Auji and Nyamasaria, which broke their banks.

Area chief Otieno Kabisai said the water surrounded most of the homes, making it difficult for others to access their houses.

Kabisai urged residents to be cautious during the rainy season to avert possible disaster.

Various elected leaders visited the areas. Market Milimani MCA Seth Kanga visited the Ofunyu village to asses the situation.

Kolwa Central MCA Calvin Oraro said River Maenya, which burst its banks because of the rains, destroyed various units within his ward. He said he has asked for immediate response for those affected to find places where they can sleep in the coming days.

"We also have people whose houses have been submerged in water and as leaders we will work together to ensure that the people affected are helped."

The MCA added that they have taken temporary measures and urged some residents to shelter at Akado Polytechnic and Ofunyu Primary School, which are now acting as rescue centres.

Nominated MCA Regina Kizito, who also visited the area, called on leaders to come together and help the affected families in Kolwa Central.

"I have seen the governor's people are on the ground, I know the senator's office will also send people, including the women representative, among other leaders," she said. 

"We have seen children are hungry, women cannot even cook because everything is under water. There is urgent need for aid."

Residents who spoke to the media called on the Kenya Red cross, among other organisations, to come to their assistance. 


(edited by Amol Awuor)

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