Kisii Woman Rep raises red flag over increased incest cases

Says it's a shame girls cannot feel safe with close family members and relatives.

In Summary

•The teacher was seized after angry members of the public attempted to lynch the suspect. 

•Donya said without proper surveillance, most girls would continue to be brutalised and left to nurse long-term scars on their own. 

Kisii Woman Representative Dorice Donya Aburi does a jig with a supporter at Tendere grounds in Bomachoge Chache constituency
Kisii Woman Representative Dorice Donya Aburi does a jig with a supporter at Tendere grounds in Bomachoge Chache constituency

Kisii Woman Rep Dorice Donya on Wednesday lamented over the rise of incest cases in the region. 

She said it was a shame that the girl child cannot feel safe with close family members and relatives. 

Donya said without proper surveillance, most girls would continue to be brutalised and left to nurse long-term scars on their own. 

"All we ask for is total cooperation so that we end all forms of brutality aimed at the girl child," Toto told journalists during a charity drive in Bomachoge Chache at Tendere grounds. 

Kisii Woman Rep Dorice Donya Aburi consults with supporters
Kisii Woman Rep Dorice Donya Aburi consults with supporters

Dorice Donya Charity Mission targets to help the most vulnerable in society with foodstuffs and clothing. 

The charity also assists the jiggered with treatments. 

She said being a holiday break from school, parents need to scale up surveillance on their children to stem indecency. 

Toto spoke of a spike in teenage pregnancies are a result of poor parenting skills. 

"If parents are lethargic, the harvest from the children will be bad, let all of us increase vigilance," she said. 

She told chiefs, their assistants and Nyumba Kumi officials not to drop guard in the face of surging incidents of teenage pregnancies.

"We all have a stake in this, not just chiefs but also us as political leaders," she said.

She noted that inattention from parents to their children was the reason for skyrocketing drug abuse and teenage pregnancies. 

“Parents and guardians have the collective responsibility of working around the clock in order to shape their children's character,” she said.

Meanwhile, a secondary school teacher has been detained after he was busted with a student in a lodging at Rugoma, Kitutu Masaba, Nyamira county. 

Police in Keroka said they also detained the female student to ascertain her age before pressing charges against the teacher. 

The teacher was seized after angry members of the public attempted to lynch the suspect. 

Enock Onyabi, a resident, said the teacher was notorious for love affairs with female students. 

“The first time, he was caught with a young girl but bribed his way out,” he told the Star. 

Masaba North subcounty police commander, Robert Ndambiri said the suspect teaches biology at the school. 

"The teacher is 28 years old and we are waiting to get the student's birth certificate to determine her age," he said. 

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