Police probe death of Homa Bay assistant chief

Kowili assistant chief Earnest Olick was reported to have died while resting at his home on Thursday evening.

In Summary
  • The incident occurred after he had returned from his office at Omoya trading centre.
  • Central Kochia chief Eucabeth Obila said the assistant chief left his office at 3 pm.
Kowili assistant chief Ernest Olick who died in his bed in Kochia, Rangwe constituency.
Kowili assistant chief Ernest Olick who died in his bed in Kochia, Rangwe constituency.

Security officers in Homa Bay are investigating the death of a government official who was found dead at his house in Kochia, Rangwe constituency.

Kowili assistant chief Earnest Olick was reported to have died while resting at his home on Thursday evening.

The incident occurred after he had returned from his office at Omoya trading centre.

Central Kochia chief Eucabeth Obila said the assistant chief left his office at 3 pm.

Olick then proceeded to Omoya trading centre for shopping before he went home.

But, according to his wife, the assistant chief is said to have started struggling in his sleep.

“His wife wailed and alerted neighbours to come and help her to take him to the hospital,” Obila said. 

Homa Bay county commissioner Moses Lilan said they have launched investigations to establish the cause of the death. 

Part of the investigation includes conducting a postmortem to reveal what killed the assistant chief.

The next action taken by security officials will depend on the outcome of the autopsy report.

"Directorate of Criminal Investigations officers in Homa Bay have taken over the matter. We’ll be investigating if there is any foul play in the death," Lilan said.

Speaking to journalists on Friday, Lilan said the assistant chief was active during the day.

He said the security officers are liaising with medical officers to unearth the cause of death.

It is reported that the officer had complained of stomachache before he was found dead at his house. 

“He died shortly after going to bed. The information we have is that he complained of stomach upset,” Lilan said.

The body was taken to Homa Bay County Teaching and Referral Hospital mortuary.

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