Unlicensed molasses trade banned in Lugari

This is part of the war on illicit brews as it is a major ingredient

In Summary

• Deputy county commissioner Moses Gicharu delivered the message

The government has banned unlicensed molasses trade in Lugari to prevent the manufacture, sale and consumption of illicit brews.

Deputy county commissioner Moses Gicharu yesterday said molasses is a major ingredient in the manufacture of illicit brews.

Addressing residents of Mautuma and Marakusi at Makutano trading centre, Gicharu said illicit molasses distribution points are enhancing illicit liquor production.            

“Nobody is allowed to sell molasses without a permit from the Sugar Directorate,” he said.

Gicharu said those involved in its distribution illegally will face the full force of the law.

He urged residents to join the fight against illicit brews, saying it is aimed at creating an enabling environment for the development and prosperity. 

The administrator warned boda boda operators and motorists engaged in the transportation of chang’aa through the subcounty from the neighbouring subcounties that their days are numbered.

“We already have intelligence that some riders are actively engaged in ferrying chang’aa and bhang," Gicharu said.

"If you own a motorcycle and you have given it out to a rider to undertake business for you, kindly warn them against engaging in illicit activities.

“If you don’t and we happen to impound the motorbike, just know you will forfeit it to government."

He said motorists involved in the illicit trade should also stop.

“Once we arrest them, we shall take them to court and seek forfeiture to government and sell the motorcycle or vehicle through a public auction.”

Gicharu reminded residents that the government has offered them an opportunity to undertake legal businesses through affirmative action funds.

He cited Uwezo Fund, Youth Fund and Women Enterprise Fund.

They should seize the chance to uplift themselves, he said.            

Subcounty police commander Bernard Ngungu and the Critical Infrastructure Police Unit head Philip Maweu told locals that security should start from their homesteads before they move out and complain of insecurity.            

They said individuals propagating criminal activities live among the community, hence they should volunteer information to security agencies and administrators for action.

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