UDA cancels Homa Bay event to avoid clash with ODM

Ongati said membership registration is progressing well and they would not want to interrupt it due to avoidable chaos.

In Summary

•The postponement came after Homa Bay UDA youth leadership agreed with the national party office to possible fracas between supporters when ODM leader Raila Odinga will attend a two-day Luo cultural festival in the town.

•The chairman directed the party members and supporters to refrain from attending ODM meetings to enhance peace in Homa Bay

Homa Bay UDA youth leaders Evans Oloo, Kevin Ouma and Wayne Odote at Staridge in Homa Bay town on June 24,2023
Homa Bay UDA youth leaders Evans Oloo, Kevin Ouma and Wayne Odote at Staridge in Homa Bay town on June 24,2023

The UDA has postponed the opening of its office in Homa Bay to evade possible conflicts between its supporters and those of the ODM party.

The ruling party had planned a mega political rally in Homa Bay town next week Friday, June 30, 2023  after the official opening of its office by Secretary-General Cleophas Malala.

The postponement came after Homa Bay UDA youth leadership agreed with the national party office to a possible fracas between supporters when ODM leader Raila Odinga will attend a two-day Luo cultural festival in the town.

The two different events will be on the same day and is predicted to undermine security in Homa Bay town.

Raila is expected to preside over the cultural festival christened Piny Luo, an event that brings together members of the Luo community from Kisumu, Homa Bay, Siaya and Migori counties.

The opening of the UDA office in Homa Bay will be now held on July 8.

Homa Bay is perceived as ODM stronghold as many residents have been overwhelmingly voting for Raila for president since 2007 general election.

But UDA is gaining roots through membership registration which the county youth leadership has intensified since March.

The listing is done by youths Kevin Ouma (chairman), Wayne Odote (secretary), Evans Oloo (organizing secretary) and Kennedy Ongati (assistant coordinator).

Chairman Kevin Ouma on Saturday said they consulted with the party leadership to cancel their function because their party believes in peace and togetherness.

‘’UDA believes in peaceful and transparent leadership. Not that we’re cowards but what we don’t want to associate the party with chaos and taints its image,’’ he said.   

Ouma spoke during an election of party officials in Homa Bay Town constituency.

Shem Odoyo was elected the chairman of UDA youth league in Homa Bay Town constituency, Mark Ondigo (secretary) and Lancer Anyango (treasurer).

Francis Siro was elected the youth league chairman in Arujo ward, Jack Mbata (Homa Town West), Musa Omondi (Homa Bay Town East) and Erick Omondi (Homa Bay Town Central).

UDA youth chairman directed the party members and supporters to refrain from attending ODM meetings to enhance peace in Homa Bay.

“We know the way ODM undertakes its activities and that’s why UDA supporters should keep off their functions. We’ve pushed forth our function for peace to prevail,” Ouma said.

Organizing Secretary Evans Oloo argued that the postponement was done to avert any violence which may result from disagreement of supporters of the two rival political parties.

“We must be proactive enough to prevent anything that can breach peace. Let ODM leaders conduct their affairs peacefully so that we also conduct ours in the same manner,” he said.

In addition, the ruling party youth leaders urged residents to join UDA to create political diversity in Homa Bay .

UDA is targeting to register 300,000 members in Homa Bay by the end of the year.

“We have managed to register over 2000 members here today. I appeal to residents to register with us,” Wayne Odote, secretary said.

The youth leaders said they are focused on popularizing President William Ruto in Homa Bay and they want to do it in a peaceful environment.

‘’Homa Bay is soon hosting President Ruto to open various development projects and we don’t want chaos. Our eyes are glued on popularising UDA and Ruto,’’ Ongati said.

Homa Bay UDA youth leaders Kevin Ouma (chairman) and Wayne Odote during a meeting at Staridge in Homa Bay town on June 24,2023
Homa Bay UDA youth leaders Kevin Ouma (chairman) and Wayne Odote during a meeting at Staridge in Homa Bay town on June 24,2023
Homa Bay youth leader Kevin Ouma speaks with members of the party at Staridge in Homa Bay town on June 24,2023
Homa Bay youth leader Kevin Ouma speaks with members of the party at Staridge in Homa Bay town on June 24,2023
Homa Bay UDA youth leader Kevin Ouma endorses the party chairman for Homa Bay Town constituency Shem Odoyo at Staridge in Homa Bay town
Homa Bay UDA youth leader Kevin Ouma endorses the party chairman for Homa Bay Town constituency Shem Odoyo at Staridge in Homa Bay town
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