
Inner workings of Raila allies to stifle rebellion in Luo Nyanza

Ruto has managed to woo eight elected leaders from Nyanza into government.


Nyanza27 June 2023 - 11:05

In Summary

• Several former leaders, some already incorporated inside the government, have also been mounting political pressure on Raila's political base.

• Governors of the four Nyanza counties of Siaya, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Migori have organised a cultural event in Homa Bay on June 30 and July 1 to pick Luo council of elders chair.

Migori governor Ochillo Ayacko (C), Nominated MP and ODM chairman John Mbadi and Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi at Alendo in Nyatike constituency.

Opposition leader Raila Odinga has moved to coalesce his Luo base in four Nyanza counties amid political onslaught from former allies.

Raila has been facing sustained political heat from President William Ruto who has managed to woo eight elected leaders from Nyanza.

The eight leaders who have rebelled against the ODM leader include his rural Bondo home legislator Gideon Ochanda, Gem MP Elisha Odhiambo, Rongo MP Paul Abuor, Uriri MP Mark Nyamita, Suba South MP Caroli Omondi, Lang’ata MP Felix Odhiambo, Kisumu East MP Shakeel Shabbir and Kisumu Senator Tom Ojienda.

Several former leaders, some already incorporated inside the government, have also been mounting political pressure on Raila's political base.

On Monday, Nyatike MP Tom Odege hosted several Raila allies in Alendo centre to help strengthen the party by installing new leadership and delegates after several decamped to former area MP Edick Anyanga and local politician Odiso Ogenga's side.

Among leaders present were nominated MP and ODM chairman John Mbadi, Migori governor Ochillo Ayacko, Seme MP James Nyikal, Ugunja MP Opiyo Wandayi, Suna West MP Peter Masara, Rangwe MP Lillian Gogo, Kasipul MP Ong’ondo Were and Ruaraka MP Tom Kajwang’.

“We want to ascertain those who are with us and those who have defected, as Luos we have had several ministers and appointments but no development was realised until we were part of government,” Mbadi said.

Already, governors of the four Nyanza counties of Siaya, Kisumu, Homa Bay and Migori have organised a cultural event in Homa Bay on June 30 and July 1 which will in essence be used to pick a ‘Ker’ or chairman of Luo council of elders.

For over a decade until February 17, Willis Otondi, 98, was the council's chair but following his death, a plan to pick his replacement will be decided during the fete.

Otondi’s long term nemesis Nyandiko Ong’adi who is a major ally of ICT Cabinet Secretary Eliud Owalo who has been leading an anti-Odinga wing of elders has castigated the fete.

Speaking over the week in Nyatike constituency, Ong’adi led a section of elders to ask Raila to use the two-day fete to offer development instead of politics.

"We want to tell Ong’adi the position of the Ker is never elective but comes from the spirit from the Luo ancestor Ramogi, if he will not turn up by end month in Homa Bay we will not declare him as a Luo,” Were said.

The same team from Alendo also held similar ‘rebel clean up’ exercises in Gem, Rongo, Bondo, Uriri constituencies in a push to clean the party.

"The constituency party officials have expelled rebel legislators and the same has been done to delegates and leaders who associate with them, we are on a cleanup exercise,” Wandayi said.

Nyikal said they are aware of plans to try and sweep away the Luo community the same way former President Uhuru Kenyatta lost his Central Kenya power base.

"We have moved in to ensure all activities of our rivals the UDA party are done by their own officials and agents and we have re-activated our grass root mobilization to be aware of even groups which will offer tents and chairs in those functions,"Nyikal said.

Masara said it was sad that government has chosen to use civil servants to push through a party agenda using state resources which is a waste of public resources.

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