Turn up for anti-government demos, Raila urges supporters

He said it is the only way they can express dissatisfaction with Ruto's administration.

In Summary

• Azimio has planned to start another round of demonstrations against the government over what they call hard economic times.

• The protests are planned to begin on July 7, during the Saba saba rally.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga speaks at Homa Bay stadium on July 1,2023
Azimio leader Raila Odinga speaks at Homa Bay stadium on July 1,2023

Azimio leader Raila Odinga on Saturday reassured his supporters that anti-government protests over the high cost of living are still on.

Raila urged the supporters to prepare and participate in the demonstrations to show their dissatisfaction with President William Ruto's administration.

Azimio has planned to start another round of demonstrations against the government over what they call hard economic times.

The protests are planned to begin on July 7, during the Saba saba rally.

“I want you to get ready for July 7. You need to show the world that you’re not pleased with the current situation in the country,” Raila said.

Speaking at Homa Bay stadium on the last day of the Luo Cultural Festival, Raila said President Ruto is unable to govern the country.

He said this is because his administration has increased prices of the basic commodities.

"Jothurwa uyie? (are you in agreement?) He posed as his supporters as they cheered.

Raila went on to say that he wants his message to reach Ruto who, he said, ascended to power through crooked means.

He added that the whole world is watching.

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga and Azimio leader Raila Odinga at Homa Bay stadium on July 1,2023
Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga and Azimio leader Raila Odinga at Homa Bay stadium on July 1,2023

Raila was accompanied by several elected leaders including Governors Gladys Wanga (Homa Bay), Ochillo Ayacko (Migori), James Orengo (Siaya) and Abdulswamad Nasir (Mombasa).

Senators Moses Kajwang and Oburu Oginga and National Assembly Minority leader Opiyo Wandayi were also present.

Raila said he was pleased by the cultural event because it united the larger Luo community.

However, perceived rebel leaders from the region gave the cultural event a wide berth.

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