Homa Bay MCA among 26 arrested in Azimio protests

Kagan MCA Odhiambo arrested over alleged incitement

In Summary
  • The county police commander Samson Kinne claimed that Odhiambo was fueling violent protests.
  • At Homa Bay police station, three MCAs Ojala Nyang’i (Kochia), Tony Otieno (Arujo) and Patrick Ware (Gem West) accused the police of arresting peaceful protesters.
Homa Bay MCAs Patrick Ware, Ojala Nyangi and Tony Otieno at Homa Bay police station
Homa Bay MCAs Patrick Ware, Ojala Nyangi and Tony Otieno at Homa Bay police station

Kagan MCA Hamilton Odhiambo is among the people who were arrested by the police during the anti-government protests in Homa Bay county.

A total of 26 people were on Wednesday arrested in the county for participating in the anti-government protests called for by the Azimio brigade.

Odhiambo was arrested in Homa Bay town after being accused of inciting youths to continue with demonstrations.

The county police commander Samson Kinne claimed that Odhiambo was fueling violent protests.

The MCA is alleged to have been fanning demos by distributing money to the protesters.

“Arrest will continue to be made on people who engage in outlawed protest. Those who destroy public properties will not be given room to perpetrate their crime,” Kinne said.

Speaking on Thursday, Kinne said his officers are on the ground to protect the property and lives of people during demonstrations.

Protests have been reported in Homa Bay County's major towns such as Oyugis, Kendu Bay, Rangwe and Mbita.

In Kendu Bay, it is reported that a boda boda rider drown in river Awach Tende during an exchange between the police and protesters.

The rider jumped into the flowing water after abandoning the motorbike.

At Homa Bay police station, three MCAs Ojala Nyang’i (Kochia), Tony Otieno (Arujo) and Patrick Ware (Gem West) accused the police of arresting peaceful protesters.

Otieno said his colleague was arrested in one of the streets as he engaged in peaceful demonstrations.

They accused the suspect of organising and leading chaotic protests.

They vowed to continue participating in peaceful demos as it enters day two.

“My colleague was engaging in a peaceful protest and we don’t know why the police arrested him. The constitution grants us the freedom to participate in peaceful demonstrations,” Otieno said.

Nyang’i said they are working on how the MCA will be released unconditionally.

“We have not been told of any possible charges at the moment. We’re not sure whether he will be taken to court or not,” Nyang’i said.

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