Governor Barasa, Woman Rep Muhanda clash over health services

Governor says his first budget was approved last month and accusations by MP are unfounded

In Summary
  • Barasa said accusations by county woman MP Muhanda that he was unable to run the health docket were unfounded.
  • But Muhanda said  despite the two of them having been elected on ODM ticket, she has a right to oversight Barasa to ensure service delivery.
Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa at a funeral at Museno in Isukha South on Tuesday
Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa at a funeral at Museno in Isukha South on Tuesday

The Kakamega county government is in the process of purchasing medical supplies, Governor Fernandes Barasa has said.

Barasa said accusations by Kakamega Woman Rep Elsie Muhanda that he was unable to run the health docket were unfounded.

He said he prepared his first supplementary budget procured medicine and other non-pharmaceuticals that were distributed to all hospitals in the county.

“I have not even started working because my first budget was approved last month and Elsie is already accusing me of not delivering services,” he said.

Barasa said that Muhanda has not even served people as woman rep but she is already asking for another seat.

The governor spoke g at a funeral service in Museno village.

But Muhanda said she has a right to critique Barasa's work to ensure service delivery despite the fact that both of them were elected on ODM ticket.

“Residents of Kakamega have been calling me to tell me that they are suffering in matters health services because there are no drugs in hospitals and ambulances. I’m happy that the county has finally reinstated ambulance services since I started questioning Barasa's administration,” she said.

Kakamega woman MP Elsie Muhanda at Shanmderema secondary school
Kakamega woman MP Elsie Muhanda at Shanmderema secondary school

“When I question the county administration, it does not mean that I’m fighting Barasa. I simply want the county government to be accountable,” she added.

She asked Barasa to stop complaining that he is new in office because he has already served one year in his first term. 

Muhanda spoke at Shanderema Secondary School when she rewarded the school soccer team for winning the Western region secondary schools title. 

She said that Barasa's work begun after being sworn into office last year and President William Ruto confirmed during his tour of the county a fortnight ago that all shareable revenue arrears owed to counties had been released.

The altercation by the two leaders comes barely two weeks after consultants at the county general hospital threatened to close down key departments for lacking essentials in the facility.

The standoff saw then acting hospital superintendent Dr Boniface Nyumbile resign in unclear circumstances. 

Insiders told the Star that Nyumbile resigned because of interference from the executive over tenders for supply of drugs and other items.

This came a month after Governor Barasa launched the Health Facility Improvement Fund which allows hospitals to raise money and spend.

Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa arriving at a funeral at Museno village on Tuesday
Kakamega governor Fernandes Barasa arriving at a funeral at Museno village on Tuesday
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