Wanga directs top county officials to deliver as they sign performance contracts

Wanga said she will not continue to work with people who will fail to meet targets.

In Summary
  • She said they agreed with the county members of the executive and chief officers on the kind of projects they will undertake to ensure they achieve their election agenda.
  • Wanga was elected alongside Oyugi Magwanga on an ODM ticket in an election that was hotly contested. She faced stiff competition from former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero.
Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga speaks during signing of performance contracts by top county officilials in Homa Bay town on August 7,2023
Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga speaks during signing of performance contracts by top county officilials in Homa Bay town on August 7,2023

Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga has signed performance contracts with top county officials as a framework they will use for implementing their manifesto.

She said they agreed with the county members of the executive and chief officers on the kind of projects they will undertake to ensure they achieve their election agenda.

Wanga was elected alongside Oyugi Magwanga on an ODM ticket in an election that was hotly contested. She faced stiff competition from former Nairobi Governor Evans Kidero.

The governor said the performance contract will make it easier for the county officials to prove themselves by knowing their deliverables.

“The documents we have signed are meant to operationalise and fulfil our social contract with the Homa Bay people. You must help us achieve them because they’re our vision and missions,” Wanga said.

Speaking on Monday at the governor’s park in Homa Bay town, Wanga said she will not hesitate to terminate the contracts of officials who will not help them deliver on their mandate.

The cabinet members signed performance contracts that will determine whether they retain their jobs or not.

The team was however told there will be a reward for those who will deliver based on the documents. Wanga warned saboteurs in her administration.

“The signatures we have appended are indications that we’re joined at the hip and there’s no way one can succeed alone. Since our fates are joined together, I will not allow saboteurs,” she added.

Homa Bay Deputy Governor Oyugi Magwanga signs Performance Contract in Homa Bay town on August 7,2023
Homa Bay Deputy Governor Oyugi Magwanga signs Performance Contract in Homa Bay town on August 7,2023

Among those who signed the documents is her deputy Magwanga who serves as the executive for agriculture, Solomon Obiero (Finance), Sarah Malit (Sports), Martin Opere (Education), Danish Onyango (Roads) and Polycarp Okombo (Trade).

Others are Joash Aloo (Water), Roseline Omollo (Health), John Angili (Fisheries), Mercy Osewe (Governance) and County Secretary Bernard Muok.

In the documents, the cabinet was asked to set targets and goals.

Wanga said she will not continue to work with people who will fail to meet their targets.

“One of my works is to make Homa Bay a competitive county. Everyone will be held accountable for their deliverables,” the governor said.

Wanga said they will not hesitate from taking action against non-compliant officers adding that residents will use projects to judge them in the next general election.

Homa Bay county secretary Bernard Muok with Governor Gladys Wanga during signing of performance contract in Homa Bay town on August 7,2023
Homa Bay county secretary Bernard Muok with Governor Gladys Wanga during signing of performance contract in Homa Bay town on August 7,2023

The performance contracts will be reviewed annually.

“There will be rewards for achievement of goals as well as punishment for failures,” she added.

Magwanga said the contracts are meant to reaffirm the commitment that the county government has to the people.

“It is a legal framework to show that we are dedicated to serving the people,” Magwanga said.

County Assembly members led by speaker Julius Gaya and Majority Leader Richard Ogindo also witnessed the exercise.

Gaya said they will undertake their oversight without fear or favour.

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