Cop arrested for allegedly attacking boss with panga in Ndhiwa

Source says junior officer attacked boss after he inquired on whereabouts of a detained suspect

In Summary
  • He is said to have assaulted him after he inquired about the whereabouts of a suspect who had been arrested and detained in the cells.
  • According to a source who sought anonymity, the police boss differed with the junior officer saying the answer he gave was not convincing.
Ndhiwa police station where the suspect is being detained
Ndhiwa police station where the suspect is being detained

A police constable in Ndhiwa has been arrested for allegedly assaulting his boss with a panga after they disagreed over the arrest of a suspect.

The suspect who is attached to the Pala police post in Ndhiwa subcounty was arrested after allegedly assaulting his boss.

He is said to have assaulted him after he inquired about the whereabouts of a suspect who had been arrested and detained in the cells.

The suspect reportedly went missing and the boss went to the constable’s house to enquire about the suspect.

According to a source who sought anonymity, the police boss differed with the junior officer saying the answer he gave was not convincing.

“The suspect got angered after his boss insisted on knowing how the suspect got out of the cell. The police constable took a sharp panga and pounced on him,” the source said.

The attacked police boss reported that the officer intended to slash his head with the panga but he shielded it using his right hand. He sustained a deep cut on his palm and bled profusely.

The officer was rushed to Pala health centre where he is undertaking treatment. Police from Ndhiwa police station have since visited the scene to assess the situation.

County police commander Samson Kinne said investigations have been launched into the matter. The officer is being interrogated on why he acted in that manner.

“The suspect who is linked to the assault has been arrested. We’re going on with investigations before he is arraigned,” Kinne said.

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