Police: Where's our allowances for covering anti-state protests?

Officers say they were given bread, cooked green grams, rice and black tea instead of the money

In Summary
  • Nyanza regional police commander Mannase Musyoka when contacted declined to comment on the matter.
  • The officers were given bread, cooked green grams, rice and black tea instead of allowances.
Azimio La Umoja supporters engaging police officers at Kondele round-about in Kisumu which remained a battlefield during the protest in July.
Azimio La Umoja supporters engaging police officers at Kondele round-about in Kisumu which remained a battlefield during the protest in July.

Police officers in the Nyanza region have questioned the whereabouts of their allowances during the anti-government protests.

The officers said they have not received the allowances since July for covering the protests and want Inspector General of Police Japheth Koome to speedily take action.

According to the officers, they were given bread, cooked green grams, rice and black tea instead of allowances.

They said each officer who covered the protests was expected to get about Sh5,000.

“We were given a form to sign that we have received food. You were to sign even if you are not eating because we must obey orders from our seniors,” an officer said.

The officers have also appealed to President William Ruto to demand answers and take stern action over the matter as part of his renewed efforts towards war on corruption.

They said the head of state should come to their rescue and rein in their commanders for intimidating them whenever they ask for their allowances.

“We have been serving the country as required. All we are asking for as dedicated and diligent officers is the whereabouts of our money? We want what rightfully belongs to us,” an officer said.

Nyanza regional police commander Mannase Musyoka when contacted declined to comment on the matter.

"You have the guts to call me 'wakati mnatuchafua kwa magazeti' over police transfers," Musyoka said before he hung up. Further,  he did not respond to text messages, including WhatsApp.

The officers, who covered the demonstrations, were drawn from Kisumu, Kisii, Migori, Nyamira, Siaya and Homa Bay. The demonstrations saw deaths, looting and property destruction in the region. 


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